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By Anonymous - 27/02/2021 08:00 - Austria

Today, I lost the best girl that I’ve ever met, she blocked me on every social media and I don't know why, she wrote to me every day, and suddenly I got blocked. Her birthday is in one month, I had the best present and I can't even change or return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 536
You deserved it 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You may have dodged a bullet. Or she has something personal going on. Or she might have felt that everything was getting too rushed and felt uncomfortable. Give her time, be casual and approachable and non-judgemental and wait if she wants to talk again in a few weeks. If not, it wasn't meant to be.

tounces7 27

She's probably a nutjob then. Normal people don't do that without a good reason.


You can keep the present for yourself. Problem solved. Glad I could help.

mccuish 25
tounces7 27

OP would seem to be a woman if the icon next to her name is correct.

tounces7 27

She's probably a nutjob then. Normal people don't do that without a good reason.

or OP's the nut job and the girl figured that out and ran.

You may have dodged a bullet. Or she has something personal going on. Or she might have felt that everything was getting too rushed and felt uncomfortable. Give her time, be casual and approachable and non-judgemental and wait if she wants to talk again in a few weeks. If not, it wasn't meant to be.

So she was an online girlfriend? Maybe she just didnt know how to break it off and that was the easiest for her. it happens.