We're on a break

By col - 04/09/2020 01:56

Today, my girlfriend of almost 3 years told me we needed a break, and that we could try again at the end of the year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 346
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trash took itself out, let her go there’s so much better out there for you. Don’t you go back at the end of the year!! Time to move on


Hey!. At least she sees you as a long time partner and not a sex only for a few month partner.

Ok so the update is that she blocked my number and basically all social media. Y’all were right, I’m moving on. Thanks for the support

Translation: "I'm tired of you and I'm looking for a bigger and better deal." Welcome to the moden dating landscape. Keep your wallet in your front pocket.