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Weird-ass kids

By fml9124 - 05/12/2020 02:02

Today, my Asian girlfriend broke up with me because I'm not Asian, I'm Irish-American, 100%. She doesn't have a problem with me, though. It's her kids. Her grown children want her dating Asian men. She's 62, I'm 63. Is that like reverse racism when the kids are more racist than the parents? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 189
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

There's no such thing as "Reverse Racism". It's just the plain old regular individual variety, applicable to any race. That being said - what kinda screwy sub-culture are these kids a part of? Last I knew, Asian culture is typically highly RESPECTFUL of their elders, and this sounds like the exact opposite of that.

No, that's just flat out racism. Your avatar says you're female, so there could be some homophobia, too. Your Christmas shopping for the kids will be easy: MAGA hats and Trump flags and masks to toss in the fire.


No, that's just flat out racism. Your avatar says you're female, so there could be some homophobia, too. Your Christmas shopping for the kids will be easy: MAGA hats and Trump flags and masks to toss in the fire.

tounces7 27

There's no such thing as "Reverse Racism". It's just the plain old regular individual variety, applicable to any race. That being said - what kinda screwy sub-culture are these kids a part of? Last I knew, Asian culture is typically highly RESPECTFUL of their elders, and this sounds like the exact opposite of that.

coius 23

I kinda feel you. My wife’s family hates me and has tried to sabotage our marriage as I’m 100% white and my wife is black, chinese and mexican-origin (no white at all). And yes, it’s still considered racism. Reverse racism is what people say when they try to be politically correct and downplay racism and hold an opinion that minorities can’t be racist. It can be bad. My father-in-law tried to shoot and kill me because of it. Trust me, if she backed out like that, she has a problem with racism too. She should’ve stood up for you and called her family out on the BS. Racism is bad enough, no one (and I mean NO ONE) should allow thoughts and ideas like that to go unchallenged. My southern family is heavily racist and neither me, nor my dad want anything to do with them. I yelled at them one time for being so hateful and told my family in Louisiana that their blind hate sickens me to know im related to them. Imagine if they found out I married an all-minority for a wife? Kinda makes me happy thinking my dead relatives might be rolling in their graves. Might grab wire and a large magnet to see if i can start a power company by wrapping them in wire and make power off them as they turn in their grave. Hehe.

Suaria 38

I kinda feel this. My boyfriend is South Asian (Indian to be precise) and I'm white. He's a bit worried about telling his family about me because I'm not Indian

tounces7 27

He's right to be worried. India ranks as the #1 most racist country in the entire world. It's embedded into their culture.

bobsanction 18
ViviMage 39

They all knew you weren't Asian to begin with, right? Seems if the parents are ok with this, the kids should be happy!