Welcome back!

By Anonymous - 28/12/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I came home from a year long backpacking trip in Europe. During my absence my parents divorced, dad took the house and most of the money, sister is seven months pregnant, brother was arrested for statutory rape, and my mom pawned all my stuff to buy booze to "cope." Oh, and my fish died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 411
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that'll teach you to stay the hell away from Europe. But seriously, would things have been different if you stayed? Be glad you didnt have to live through it all.

...Wait. Your sister is pregnant. Your brother is arrested for rape. ... Dude, FYL for having an incestuous family!


ok I'm sorry but what does OP stand for?

No1likesMe 0

original poster i asked the same question and someone told me

nava21 0

if u have xbox live and have mw2 add XxNaVa21xX

YoUr_ObSeSsIoN 0

D: thats horrible..Im sorrys ;-; poor fishie.. *huggles*

wow now that's a bitch slap of reality. Srry bout the fish.

awwww dude I'm so sorry may your fishy rest in piece(:

wellinever 5

Finally, someone has posted an FML on this forum. Congratulations on being the first.

knifesedge 0

this is one of the saddest posts i've ever seen. this is a true fml - especially about your fish. (sorry for your loss). but at least you weren't there when it all happened and you weren't stressed by the fact of it all, sure it would've helped if you were there when your mum pawned all of your stuff, that was just plain selfish of her. but hey, at least your going to be an uncle soon. :)