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By inthesticks - 19/11/2016 06:21 - United States - Orlando

Today, I was cleaning off my couch so my nephew could crash here for a few nights. It's been so long since we've sat on it that it is now inhabited by rats we didn't know were in the house, including newly-born ones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 617
You deserved it 6 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm very curious as to how you managed to avoid using said couch for THAT long. Either way, that's kind of funny. Good luck with the rats, OP!

I'm going to take a wild guess here.. I bet he didn't end up sleeping on that couch.


Hey, rats aren't usually the problem here! In houses or furniture, it's bats. Or bees. Or snakes or raccoons. Sometimes gators in yards or ground floors. ...I guess rats are actually the safer options here...

don't forget our huge palmetto bugs...

corky1992 33

I'm surprised you didn't notice any bad odors every time you walked into the living room

that is disgusting! you can't let anyone sleep on that, they can catch serious diseases, like leptospirosis

I don't know how this is anything but you deserve it.

I came here to make that exact same comment. Verbatim. Glad to see someone likeminded.

I want to know how you went that long without using to the point that rats have infested it; and how you didn't notice the rats in the first place.