Welcome home!

By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 15:45 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I went to the airport to pick up my long-distance boyfriend. Having waited six months for this, I was stoked. After waiting for three hours and sending numerous messages, I was eventually informed I was a week early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 825
You deserved it 14 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

allyrn13 12

Double check your calendar next time.

At least he knows you are really excited to see him :-)


talloctopus 7

Sounds funny but was great from you waiting your love, well he will be happy of you.

Life's short , don't sweat the small stuff - go home chill out and just think in a week you will be together .

Internal calendar is a bit off. All those time zones are a bitch too.

kitsune3 20

Ouch...Well, at the very least you only have to wait one more week. Don't be too down, OP. At least you'll still get to meet him. :)

biancanick1 0

Lol honestly I think this is So cute! Hope you have fun when you meet him

I have a long distance relationship and yeah that sucks. im sorry but hopefully youll be right on time next time :)

K410 18

Sounds like something my long distance gf would do XD