Welcome home!

By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 15:45 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I went to the airport to pick up my long-distance boyfriend. Having waited six months for this, I was stoked. After waiting for three hours and sending numerous messages, I was eventually informed I was a week early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 825
You deserved it 14 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

allyrn13 12

Double check your calendar next time.

At least he knows you are really excited to see him :-)


BubbleGrunge 18

How do you get that wrong? Did you not converse with your boyfriend the night before? I travel often, and always speak to whomever I am visiting the night before to make sure of time and travel arrangements.

Long distance relationships are a waste of time. Get someone local!!

That's pretty rude to say they're a waste.

Speaking from experience, there? Maybe a failed LDR of your own?~ They can work.

Oreohugzpenny 4

Awww that is really funny but shucks for you!!!

I detect a slight communications problem. You might talk about that when he finally gets there.

ceejay_williams 1

LMFAO @ 6 profilee picturee . But OP , yhur life SUCKS ritee now . The only thing that matters is that yhuu care so much . :)

robox1187 9

You didn't confirm the flight # and time the day before in case of delays?

Jewbenita 0

you'd think if you were that stoked, you wouldve set a calendar event for it. Or at least remembered the date he's arriving.

Am I the only one who confirms flight info the night before I'm suppose to pick someone up at the airport?