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By whenlifeisalemon - 09/01/2016 23:19 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I waited patiently in the airport as my flight was repeatedly delayed. After 5 long hours I approached one of the attendees to discover that the plane had left 5 minutes ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 510
You deserved it 3 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you miss that? Did they not call your name (after noticing you hadn't boarded the flight)?

Were you looking at the wrong flight information? If not and it was the airports/airlines fault they should reimburse you


Were you looking at the wrong flight information? If not and it was the airports/airlines fault they should reimburse you

How did you miss that? Did they not call your name (after noticing you hadn't boarded the flight)?

They don't always do that, depending on the airport

they didn't go that for me and my family and we missed our plane -_- we were in the gate and I saw someone go in about 5 mins before us as we were looking at some stuff, then when we went to the gate and it wasn't the plane that left, it was the bus to take us to the plane and so we had to wait for another plane.

NeonSteps 14

They normally do an anouncement for missing passengers on a plane about 4 or 5 times before taking off, Unless youve just got bad luck and they didnt do one.

Did they announce the flight or anything at all? That sucks, I'm really sorry OP.

Steffi3 40

That sucks and all, but you probably deserve it. Airports are usually very keen on keeping everyone properly informed about everything.

Not true, I was flying home one time and at my connecting flight someone asked me "oh are you going to Fort Lewis Washington?" (I was still in uniform because I was directed to wear it,) turns out they changed my gate number. I almost got on the wrong goddamn plane *not home.

Steffi3 40

Which is why they tell you numerous times to check if your gatenumber is still correct, even if you're coming from a different flight, although in that case you simply may not have been on the airport long enough to have been notified about any changes.. Regardless, they try very hard to notification people on changes, since no-one benefits from stranded people.

I'm surprised they didn't holler out which flight was boarding. or at least put it on the screen that it was boarding. hopefully you can get on the next one.

How? I'm honestly curious how you missed announcements and updates on screens.

Well I'm sure you should have noticed all the status updates regarding the plane, but if you didn't see them it's either your fault or the most elaborate ditching conspiracy ever.

I'd assume after several long hours they may have announced the flight while OP was distracted (eating/restroom/whatever), but even still, I highly doubt it would've been so last minute, or even only announced once So either OP was not the least bit cautious, or they chose a terrible ******* airline