
By Anonymous - 08/01/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I went to my dad and new stepmom's house for the week. Upon arrival, I was handed mouthwash, deodorant, and lice shampoo. The guest bed I was told I'd be sleeping in was fitted with a plastic mattress cover. I don't have lice and I don't wet the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 089
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are inferring all wrong. They are clearly telling you that you have bad breath, you stink, and you're going to get lice from the last person who slept on that bed.


I had a dream about this fml. they got lice and wet the bed

I've done the same. My step kids are from 7-12 years old and they can be plain gross. Their stupid mother doesn't make them bathe or treat their lice, which they always have. I had enough and as soon as they walk in they know to go straight to the showers and have their hair treated. I even make them wear shower caps until it's their turn. The oldest wets and ***** his pants out of pure laziness and will not come here because instead of buying him pull ups i made him wash his pooh caked undies. Some step kids are disgusting and i bet your step mum hates you too...

Lichinamo 33

OR, instead of making him wash his underwear, you should buy him diapers and say, "Here. You have to wear these while you're staying with me. Unless you are in the shower, you have to wear these and change them yourself. I will not change it for you. If you don't want to wear the diaper, sleep in the shed."

Sounds like your stepmother has some severe germ phobia issues. Have a private conversation with your father and tell him how insulting this was. Does he really want to stop have a relationship with you? Unless of course you really are a slob.

it's so bed bugs won't get on the mattress.

Bathory_fml 0

So just don't visit them after this trip. xP If they're going to be dicks to you, who cares about them? I'm guessing this is a new thing from the step-mom, so just keep in touch with your Dad and if he asks, explain why you don't want to see him at his house.

jrsgreenfire257 0

Your life is good because your votes are 6699 lol you a lucky guy. That's your next "position" lol

Get lice and give it to your step mom or yeah just piss the bed. Or better take a shit on the bed!!! Bet they won't see that coming!

OP, love is blind... at least for your dad.

maybe that's just how they treat their guests and they want to make sure the guestroom stays clean for the next person. also, the mattress could still be under warranty and a lot of warranties don't allow for mattresses that have been sweated on