
By Anonymous - 08/01/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I went to my dad and new stepmom's house for the week. Upon arrival, I was handed mouthwash, deodorant, and lice shampoo. The guest bed I was told I'd be sleeping in was fitted with a plastic mattress cover. I don't have lice and I don't wet the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 089
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are inferring all wrong. They are clearly telling you that you have bad breath, you stink, and you're going to get lice from the last person who slept on that bed.


that sucks you should tell'em that you don't!

bazingaman10 0

They must know something you don't

milakitty21 0

I'm sure this wouldn't have been done unless there was a reason... something in your past you wanna share??

so uhhhh.... how old are you? you type very "mature" for them treating you 6.

lilmissJESSY 0

ur step mom reminds me of my mother..

It sounds to me like your new stepmom has issues with sanitation and hygiene in general. This may have almost nothing to do with you, personally. If this is the case, then your dad should have warned you. It could also be that they're douchey and the last person who stayed there had lice and wet the bed. As far as the mouthwash and deodorant...they could think they're being good hosts? Or, it could all be you. Smell yourself. If it isn't pleasant, it is you.

The stepmom sounds like one hell of a freak