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By Wtfbruhimmovingout - 28/11/2015 02:38 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my mom tried to burn my arm with a hot spatula, all because I got a tattoo against her wishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 490
You deserved it 5 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*Your mother's logic* "How dare you get a permanent marking on your skin! Let me give you this other permanent marking to teach you a lesson!"

Murilirum 23

Yeah, because branding is so much cooler these days.


Marteen75 1

It is simply lay lay to leave out the 'z' in cray cray

Murilirum 23

Yeah, because branding is so much cooler these days.

*Your mother's logic* "How dare you get a permanent marking on your skin! Let me give you this other permanent marking to teach you a lesson!"

Talk about crazy. My mom came after me with a knife when I got my first tattoo. Said she was gonna carve it out. She eventually got over it, thought. I hope your mom does, too!

Yeah, she's psycho. She wasn't successful, though. She finally accepted the fact that she couldn't control me. Didn't talk to me for a few weeks, though.

Yeah, mine screamed abuse at me for weeks about how it's permanent and I'm a useless piece of shit and an embarrassment to the family. I finally lost it and told her "it's a little bit less permanent than having two kids with a man you didn't love and cheated on"... That shut her up real quick.

World's most savage ************ right here

59, that's the most hardcore answer ever. You have my respect.

Ouch that sounded kind of rough man like I get it she upset you but she's still your mom, by the sound of your story she pretty much raised the two of you alone.. Cut her a bit of slack

Her mom didn't do anything to earn respect or slack by calling her a useless piece of shit, or an embarrassment. I'd say her response was well warranted.

don't tell her about the drunken goat orgy then...

leogachi 15

@10 Plot twist: Mom hosted the orgy.