What a Q-tip

By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch

Today, I heard my boyfriend making the same noises while cleaning out his ears as the ones he makes whenever we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 555
You deserved it 6 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grahmagog 14

Clean your ears more often and you'll understand why


It sounds like he found a new hobby. At least his ears will be squeaky clean.

ViviMage 39

Either cleaning his ears is orgasmic, or you are bad in bed. And tell him to stop using q-tips! He could puncture his eardrums!

Does that pull back his fingers far enough to make those noises?

Have you tried it? Better than most sex I've had in awhile.

" Ear" is a pot smoker's main vocabulary word. Ex- ( inhales deeply*) EARrrr.

B1ackthesun 31

What on earth are you on about? It's nonsense like this that gives people the impression any one who enjoys marijuana must be a dribbling idiot.

It doubles your chances of becoming psychotic while severely impairing motor skills, so forget basketball, but you were half right.

Bite his ear next time you guys are busy.... You will have him playing hide n seek in no time. 1 2 3 here i cum lol

I dont see anything wrong with the fact that the man enjoys cleaning his ears

Ahah now I know I'm not the only one!