What a Q-tip
By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch
By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch
By Amb - 01/06/2010 23:56 - United States
By Bllllaaaaaah - 24/09/2019 04:01 - United States - Juno
By S…… - 09/01/2011 10:18 - Singapore
By whoawhoawhoa - 28/12/2010 22:04 - Canada
By Helseac - 17/12/2018 03:00
By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 10:24 - United Kingdom - Northampton
By kblevss - 05/01/2013 09:21 - United States - Bayville
By Anonymous - 19/01/2016 11:03 - United Kingdom - London
By merpaderp14 - 09/09/2013 06:15 - Canada
By Anonymous - 20/11/2019 18:00
This FML confused me grammatically. Anyhow, your boyfriend has an ear fetish. I suggest dressing as a sexy Link, that dude has fine lobes.
I don't mean to mud up the water, but I don't think he was really cleaning out his ears.
Just tell him to think of your ****** as one big wet ear and see how that goes. Maybe he will start making noises neither of you have heard before.
My boyfriend thinks I like it in the ear because every time he tries to put it in my mouth-- I turn my head. :P
Well, cleaning ears (especially with some warm water) feels pretty good. I just hope he doesn't do it WHILE you two have sex, that would be the weirdest shit I've ever heard of
Sadly, I've heard of weirder shit. The Internet is full of horrible surprises.
Well, in his defense cleaning ears (especially with some warm water) feels pretty damn good. I just hope he doesn't do it WHILE you two have sex, that would be the weirdest shit I've ever heard of.
So? He just enjoying it!
sometimes its loke quenching the un scratch able itch
Clean your ears more often and you'll understand why
Sounds like he found his q-spot.