By Amb - 01/06/2010 23:56 - United States

By Amb - 01/06/2010 23:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch
By Noname - 16/02/2009 00:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 10:24 - United Kingdom - Northampton
By S…… - 09/01/2011 10:18 - Singapore
By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 13:06 - United States - Tampa
By atleasthelistened - 09/03/2016 08:04 - United States - Spokane
By Hannah - 21/12/2010 17:01 - United States
By The_Life - 12/10/2016 13:26 - Australia - Sydney
By Helseac - 17/12/2018 03:00
By Anonymous - 26/11/2014 19:41 - United States - Los Angeles
I bet he uses his Thumper on you
#36 I do my pan is Kev-oh
psn* my bad I put pan dafp!
well what do you expect?
if you play on ps3 mines sai_907
So he uses a tacticle insertion?
i bet he can TAR all over your model 1887s
my psn name is the same as this one
I bet he puts his THUMPER in your CLAYMORE :p
call of duty ****** pwns, it's my life... I've ditched many of my girlfriends for call of duty... I already have call of duty: black ops pre ordered and paid off... and u can bet anything that I'm ditching everyone to play it cause I'm goin to midnight release and skipping at least 3 days of school for it... I live call of duty
i sound the exact same in cod and in bed : mWAHahsHaha suck it!! ahahhaah suck my dick !!!
the noises: yes! yes! YES!
xD poor OP!!!! Jajaja though that's something I can see my guy doing... O.o oh dear, exited screams of 'head shot' aMong other battle cries come to mind. Fail
look on the bright side at least he isnt yelling "**** not the dogs you stupid prick!"
fyl for having a bf who plays cod
COD is fun. DONT HATE (:
ikr!!!! even though we're both girlz
girls who play CoD are just hotter then girls who don't...
girls who play call of duty are hotter than girls who don't
=) i play cod!
Personally i ******* Love COD. I'm not afraid to admit it either. I'll go over to my friends house and play Nazi zombies with the guys:))
hey, I work 2 jobs and deal with crap all day. I wanna get my anger out on a game because if I don't I'll freak at my gf. so be thankful I'm screaming at kids not you.
cod is wicked fun I don't know what your talking about
Kind of judgmental of you, people play games for fun, don't really see the problem there
I don't play COD but I'm pretty sure a guy that plays COD is no worse than one that doesn't
There's really no difference between the two so I don't see why you care that much.
there's no diffrence between the sounds either. just scream GET SOME!!GET SOME!!! then finish with a tactical nuke...
Ugh.. that game isn't as good as sex, FYL for having a nerd boyfriend
#6 Nerds are hot.
thank god... someone who understands us
You don't really think 3/4 of the US plays that shitty game, do you?
Kill yourself.
Your mathematical abilities astound me, oh how do you have such amazing unsurpassed logic, oh mighty one. Aside from the atrocious 3/4 you implied with the stupid evidence to back It up, has it not occured to you that those figures of players are worldwide? Yes, there are other parts of the world than America. :)
45 lmao "retarded kids"???? lol ****** up
pretty sure it was a joke ace
Taylors hot so don't make me call in a uav and find ur ass!!
Mmmmm... I would like to smash Taylor in bed...
What a bunch of horn dogs.
What, "Kill, kill, kill!" ?
hahahaha 13 wins :D
hehe well both are fun!!! stop complaining stupid girl!/man thing! geez. :)
Lol it's not that bad. Maybe you are just awful op.
There's really no difference between the two so I don't see why you care that much.
so he shouts "**** off you 8 year old little camping noob tubing prick" in bed? - that's pretty weird or winning would be more like "**** off I'm 1 off harriers" - again kinda strange I guess