By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 10:24 - United Kingdom - Northampton

By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 10:24 - United Kingdom - Northampton
By BaconBreathBlonde - 30/10/2009 00:33 - United States
By ch4nny - 29/08/2014 01:47 - Australia - Sydney
By cortanaisahobot - 19/07/2012 20:29 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch
By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 17:38 - United States
By confused - 28/09/2011 04:55 - Australia
By merpaderp14 - 09/09/2013 06:15 - Canada
By FYLyfer - 26/10/2009 21:34 - United States
By nick - 27/06/2016 03:44 - United States - Highland Park
By Indigo_Kitten - 08/08/2010 01:05 - United States
Especially when it's whispered into your ear.
14 - And most definitely when it's during sex.
sounds like a man living the American Dream: Bacon and Broads.
#31 they r from the UK :P
#32 we know
mmmm bacon
Especially if you're epicmealtime
Sorry about my american dream comment, I'm simply an ignoramus that pays no attention to detail.
He probably orgasmed twice of fast while thinking about bacon.
Bacon=sex in your mouth
Maybe they both should try eating bacon while having sex. That's gotta change the OPs mind about bacon.
This just reminds me of the obnoxious Jack in the Box commercial that incessantly interrupts my South Park episodes.
Hey, can NEVER go wrong with bacon.
Hey, bacon grease makes great lube...
That is so disgusting.
**** YEAH MAN. I'm omnomnomin on some right now!
what's with all the sexual whispering lately lol
Honestly, saying cringe isn't too far off from saying crotch is it?
45 - it's not even anything sexy, it's just really weird haha
What a typical male!! Buzz kill much?
Pfffft sex is always better then bacon ..... Men have lost their game over the years, they've gone soft, it's us women who have sex on the brain more now.
27- Obviously you do considering what your profile picture is... Besides bacon is delicious and can give you a very nice foodgasm :) Has anyone ever heard of bacon flavored condoms?
Bacon.....flavored...condoms?! I wouldn't actually use them, I would rather have them in my mouth all day. Just being honest.
I don't understand flavored condoms. Just because a ****** has lips doesn't mean it can taste stuff. Plus, if you're going to give a ******** wouldn't you take the condom off?
Actually, doesn't it say something about using flavored condoms for sex?
Is there no place for humor in sex #4?
Really 27? Cause I see more FMLs about men wanting sex from their woman than I see about women wanting it..
53- Don't ask how I know this, but condoms are actually a great lip chap! :3
#27 Men typically think of bacon during sex? And they've gone soft? I think some of your relationship problems are subconciously oozing into your comments xD
Sex with somebody other than you I sure
27's comment is a perfect example of the kind of sexism that I can't stand.
27, bacon is delicious. It doesn't matter what gender you are. If someone said "do you want sex or bacon?" I would choose the bacon, hands down. I am a girl by the way.
71, because when a woman wants it she usually gets it.
Just had to send this to my boyfriend cos he does the same, but the vegetarian verson. So pizza, mainly.
No, no it's not...
...does the same...but vegetarian version..? It is definitely not the same thing. Because nothing, & I repeat.. Nothing compares to sex & bacon! ;)
Cheese and tomato pizza is basically his diet. How he stays skinny as a rake I do not know.
All I could think of while reading this was that dog in the commercial with the bacon strips yelling "Bacon!"
Ha ha ha! It's Bacon! My kids love that damn commercial
Looks like you've got some competition.
What is so good about bacon? I'll be honest I don't really like it.
90 - get out.
I think u'll learn to keep your comments to urself from now on right?
OP wasn't being rude to her boyfriend, she was just pointing something out.
that's 1 way to look at it
and why aren't you assuming that he is just joking with her when he says "bacon", it's sooo not worthy of an FML........ should I say "yeah, ur life sucks coz ur boyfriend has a sense of humor"?
That's because eating bacon is basically like having sex. ;)
That's the price of having sex when ur just bf and gf
Bacon=sex in your mouth
gotta love Bacon.