What am I doing?

By forever young - 05/07/2013 15:16 - United States

Today, I Googled "How to act like an adult." I'm 37. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 414
You deserved it 52 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@35 You have the grammar of a child as well...

You're only as young as you feel. You clearly feel 13. Go look in the mirror at your gray hairs and newly-forming wrinkles. That'll smack you back to reality awfully quickly.


You are an adult therefore every way you act is acting like an adult ;-).

Yeah, like that time that 31 year old flirted with me! ...Except I was 23 at the time and now he's my boyfriend so I guess that doesn't count. But I am always teasing him about how old he is. Ha ha!

Wake up. Shit. Eat. Work. I can't wait for the replies :P

How does this get accepted but not mine

tehdarkness 21

Growing up is overrated. Just be yourself and embrace whatever you are.

To the op At lest you googled it I wish my ex bf would do that and he was born in 1982

Easy. Go to walmart, watch a family with a large group of kids, don't do anything they do.

redmnky21 8

being a growd up is overrated

summerguy97 16