What are you doing in there?

By sam - 02/05/2010 00:12 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to do something fun and spontaneous, so we had sex in the disabled toilet in the shopping centre. Little did we know, the male AND female toilets were conveniently being cleaned at the time, so the only toilet open was the disabled one. Walk of shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 329
You deserved it 47 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20

lol you ****** in the handi capped bathroom? That adds shame to the walk of shame!


banna2286 0

was it the moans that gave it away.

was it worth it? my guess is that it was

Awesome photo, 24. I love Peavy amps!

awsome!! who cares there just people they can hold it!! have some fun!! relationships are no good with out a good fun sex life

palmtrees 1

You're an idiot. There are about a million ways to have a fun sex life WITHOUT making it a problem for a bunch of other people. What if some of the people waiting were kids, who may not be able to hold it, or disabled people, who actually needed the disabled stall? If the only creative way you can think of to have sex is to do it in a public restroom... I feel sorry for your boyfriend.

elsnappypickle 0

I know right! who cares if ppl and kids are waiting to go potty! tell em to go by a tree

allysonrigby 4

you're both retarded, and have a complete lack of respect for other people.

elsnappypickle 0

b!tch you're the retarded one

lindseypaige338 0

7- Ive never been caught in public but I don't choose public bathrooms! haha ydi for picking a bad spot! haha:]

kaitlynn_leAnn 0

whatever happened to having sex in beds?! like seriously? no one wants to talk into a bathroom and hear 2 people *******!!

I do! What an oppurtune time to run a train on that ho!

wow what failures. and 24, please put a shirt on, none of us wanna see that.

What could be sexy about a public bathroom anyway? I won't even sit down on a public toilet. Why not in your car or in some bushes? Preferably somewhere without crabs (not the crustacians) and somewhere some little kid isn't going to get a free show.