By Michelle - 26/04/2010 21:42 - New Zealand
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 21/03/2012 12:21 - United States
By TerribleAddiction - 15/02/2012 17:50 - United States
By zaneey - 17/01/2009 18:41 - Australia
By htothecr - 03/05/2009 21:05 - United States
Caught in 4K
By tanksfan - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - India
By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 13:54 - Greece - Athens
By Hopslammer - 17/06/2011 01:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 15:30 - United States
Muscle memory
By Namnack - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Netherlands
By Anonymous - 10/10/2009 21:43 - United States
Top comments
Hey, at least you decided to quit smoking. Don't worry about your habits going away so soon. Good luck.
agreed! so gross!!
ya nasty weed Is much better
don't quit smoking man! once obamacare kicks in you won't have to pay for any of the medical problems you might get down the road! I want me some obamamoney
YDI for buying a kitkat bar get a butterfinger
ydi for smoking
smoking is N-a-s-t-y. nasty. ewie.
after taking a bite? did you used to eat cigarettes? good thing you're quitting that
I commend you for trying to quit though.
fun fact: When you smoke you are not the one smoking. The cig is the one smoking, you're just the sucker. :)
"Smoking is a terrible, terrible disease..." * **pulls up collar-- hunches shoulders-- turns around and walks away into the snowy night*
go natural man, ****** tobbaco has all sorts of chemical shit in it. green is the way! legalize it!
in philly smoking is what everyone does. but not me I'm too cool
girls smoking is a turn off stupid anti flood
87 i love ur picture
Pull the trigger Clark, pull the trigger! trust me that sock you stuffed into that speedo doesn't feel pain :}
what do you see I smoking? it's so gross! :P blech
24 fail
thank you 27-finally :P that soviet Russia joke is pissing me off...
oh boo ******* hoo. we do it because we know it causes damage.
soty isnt it your bday today or soon?
Today I m 16 :)
120 haha thank you!
btw you look like a coffee shop xP
137 I don't care what people think of me especially since ill probably never meet anyone here.. big deal
are you calling me cute or ugly?? I don't get what your trying to say...
I didn't say you were ugly, I said I didn't see the Natalie Portman. I said you did have a cute thing going on though, jeeeeesh, so hostile, I was trying to be friendly. And I agree, Natalie Portman is cute.. And the only thing I've seen her in is Star Wars, and honestly, I just skip to the end of those movies where everyone is fighting and the movie is actually exciting, so meh...
Hey man good best of luck trying to quit!
152 sorry you said "she doesn't have a cute thing going on" so I thought you were insulting me
161 that made my day.. it's 9 at night and a comment from someone I don't know made my day.. wow
I'd rather smoke and keep my braincells,****** pot heads now adays! Plz no comments bout weed or it's suppousable benifits,I'd rather have a higher IQ than be an idiot laughing at YouTube videos about ppl gettin hit in der nuts*huck yuck* Maybee you should try some crack it'll reverse your weight gain from all the munchies.
163 sorry but no (:
can someone please explain how this is even a big deal
Neither of you are big deals. Cry.
198 is that my name now? or were you talking to someone else lmao
I can fly and you can't. Also, I am really awesome.
51- I love yr shirt haha
Smoking is ****** awesome dont diss smokers they will beat the **** out of u lol
Jimmy, I just shaved my beard, I was growing it for the Kings beard-a-thon (started growing when they clinched the playoffs) but they got eliminated from the playoffs last night... It was a good run though, and they're a young team with a lot of talent, so the fact they made it that far (when they hadn't been in almost 10 years) is great. :) Also, sugarbaby, what do you smoke? You strike me as someone who'd smoke those pink Camels. All my chick friends smoke those... Or those cigarettes that you can break the ball in the filter and they turn from regular into menthol (so you can pick what one you want, it's actually pretty cool)..
206 haha fine by me
oops I meant 220 :P
Mmmmmm yellow teeth...that's what I like.
I was hoping so, after game 2 and 3 I had hope, but I had a feeling whoever won game 4 would win the series... Sucks. We need a more consistant goalie, Quick is good but he has too many days where is is just off his game... Ryan Miller is overrated too, he was great in the Olympics, don't get me wrong, but he has been horrible in the Playoffs.
I'm trying to quit smoking right now so I know how hard it is.. the kitkat thing definitely sounds like something I would do. oh and 178 you'd have 16 fans :D
YDI for smokin cigs. They be nasty shit
Blue coconuts, can I join?
no, u can't
Hailey how old are you? :)
The safe way is to roll up pine needles in paper than cut it into cog size. The only unhealthy thing is smoke inhalation. it does make a smell though...
I don't believe he was epic beard man
what branch of the military are u in coconuts?
thank you so much
Clark, there are so many things wrong with your picture
who's fan club is it?
^^^looks stoned or dumb apparently he don't smoke weed so guessing the latter....
haha I'll join!! xD
^^ haha that's the way to live life, do what allll the cool kids are doing
that was aimed at 165
a quitter never wins and a smoker never quits. errr yeah.
I actually get so annoyed at all you "Obamacare" people, Canada has GREAT benefits to healthcare, and all you damn Americans will really appreciate when it comes along.
haha wow people look quite older then they r
hey blue I can't tell, is that an m4?
thought so. looks pretty well equiped.
Well Haley (mfmylifesrsly) is gonna be first, you'll be the first for all the "normals" lol... Also, thank you.. I had an EoTech, Surefire, vertical grip, and a green laser on it.. The green laser was awesome, since you could see it no matter what, and it went damn near forever. When we'd bust into a room (usually kinda dark because the houses aren't well lit) and you shined it across the room... They'd drop so fast, it was great. And I have 30 people (including people who joined via PM/facebook! I added 3 people that haven't "confirmed" it yet, but I know they'll agree anyway. :P Totally making a list in my profile.
haha yes u do. I wilds guessed 16-17 lol
would** And blue haha i'd laugh if I saw every1 drop. that had to be amusing
btw bezach I think snicks is a girl. Idk though I culdnt rly tell.
Yeah it was really funny.. Usually they just stand there and look at you stupid (unless they're enemy, then they usually stand there and look there stupid while they shoot at you)... But when you moved the laser across the room, they dropped instantly because they thought it would burn them and cut them in half. Hilarious. But we'd give jollyranchers to the kids in the houses for being good sports. Unless they're little assholes, but most of the time they're either quiet and reserved, or like to play with you. I once played with some little girl and her dolls for like 45 minutes while my platoon talked to the people. Then we played hide and seak, and I taught them the hokey-poky. I loved the kids. :D
haha now that made me laugh :) thank u mate. haha I love little kids. (unless they r completely bratty)
297 looks like my PE teacher.....
does any1 kno how to post the profile pics from the itouch? or is it even possible?
omg it's terrible nobody gives a flying **** if you try to ash a kitcat... there's no fml here
damn it. I was gonna put up a pic haha. eh oh well I'll do it sooner or later. but I'm younger then every1 anyways haha so I guess it doesn't matter
only 13 turning 14 soon though
I loled at #22
raliegh lol then ur alot younger then u look haha
well goodnite fml peoples. I shall act sophisticated as I announce my retirement for this night. and I have no ****** idea y I just talked like that
**** soviet russia
haha this one made me laugh my left ballsack off
yea I agree, what's up tho?
Sucks for you. I want to join too Blue D:
Hell yeah, what can I say? It's part of behind awesome. And with that being sadi ,in my not sober state of mind right now, it's beocming a very big challenge to type (I think I'm doing pretty oogood though!) but I added the newste people... If I spelled your name wrong left you you, etc, PM me and I shall fix in the morning! Godonight my minions.
I've gotten 400 replies off a #1 comment, let's see if this blows by it or not
#121 ur pretty hot we should hook up
to the guy making the Soviet joke; Russia =/= Prussia
Op, smoking can be as addictive as heroin. Try rehab
that's gunna be one helluva high!!!
28 if u were Canadian we already have free healthcare haha
ur a ******* dumbass! he could quit now.... and won't have to smoke ******* cigerettes thruuu his neck!!!
Commentots? Does that come with ketchup?
Don't forget lots of salt. Does this sound mildly cannibalistic yet? >_>
109, you're completely missing the point. this is an FML because the OP realized how addicted they were because they're so used to putting their cigarettes in ash trays and they accidentally did it with a similar sized object. so now they feel hopeless, like they won't be able to quit because they're just so focused on tobacco.
good for you. don't stop trying to quit
I quit years ago. Then relapsed, then quit again. The cravings never go and the smell of a freshly lit one makes my mouth water. Good luck though!
4th!! anyway yeah that sux. c this would be an even BETTER fml if, without looking, you had taken another bite :)
fail ur 7th, nice try
double fail!! not only are you not 4th, you're also retarded for being in such a rush to comment on this fml and get your idiotic words seen that you didn't properly read and realize that the op did not ash on her ******* candy bar!!! out of habit she thought it was a cig and tryed to ash it. idiot. no not her, you.
good job on quitting good luck
Yes, fyl indeed. Because your life would have to be f-ed in order to mistake a kitkat for a cigarette? I think things could be far worse my friend. This is not FML material in my opinion.
I agree. How does tapping a KitKat bar FYL?
Seriously. I quit and had similar problems. Just force of habit, not fml.
This is the kind of FML that you can't really blame the OP at all. It's actually really inspiring that you decided to quit smoking :) Quitting is tough, and it takes a while to get out of the habit (hence trying to ash a kitkat bar). But, I, and I'm sure a lot of other FML users, are proud. Fun fact: every cigarette you smoke takes eleven minutes off your life.
This. ^
#47, It's not that 'you will die within the number of cigarettes you smoke today x 11 minutes', as you seem to be suggesting. It's that your life will be shorter by roughly 'number of cigarettes you smoke in your life x 11 minutes'. Of course it's not exact, and giving up smoking can allow your body to repair the damage done by smoking and get you closer to a normal expected lifespan.
That's nasty 47! Have fun with your death sticks, and the side of cancer. OP: It's good that you're trying to quit, though I hope you do, instead of just saying it.
I know it's not easy to give up, I smoke myself and I know how difficult it is. You could just try cutting down a bit to start with; even that will be better for you. And everyone else giving #47 a hard time, maybe give him a break? He knows smoking is shitty but giving up isn't as easy as some people seem to think.
lol that's funny^^. the 11 minutes thing was by taking smokers and finding their normal life expectancy and then seeing how long they live. they then find how much they smoked on average a day. they are then able to see how much time was taken off their life by each cigeratte an averaging the group of people . it's not exact but u can gauarntee that smoking every day will lower your life expectancy. even if ur granma lived to 80 if she didn't smoke she probably couldve made it to 90.

This is the kind of FML that you can't really blame the OP at all. It's actually really inspiring that you decided to quit smoking :) Quitting is tough, and it takes a while to get out of the habit (hence trying to ash a kitkat bar). But, I, and I'm sure a lot of other FML users, are proud. Fun fact: every cigarette you smoke takes eleven minutes off your life.
good job on quitting good luck