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What did you expect?

By Effing buzzkill - 04/07/2023 10:00

Today, I stole a classmate’s graphic calculator because I couldn’t afford one. She reported it missing to the professor. He wouldn’t let anyone leave class until it turned up. Not even saying I had diarrhea had him let me go. In fact, he told me to empty my backpack right there and then. I’m suspended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117
You deserved it 2 555

Same thing different taste

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So your teacher puts the classroom on lockdown because an item was stolen during class and doesn’t let anyone leave until someone coughs it up. You say you have “diarrhea” so you could leave. Bro! you gave yourself away. That’s why you got found out! You better start getting on your knees and pray that you won’t get expelled. Unnacceptable. YDI

OP, please don't procreate. Let the family line die with you for the sake of humanity.


So your teacher puts the classroom on lockdown because an item was stolen during class and doesn’t let anyone leave until someone coughs it up. You say you have “diarrhea” so you could leave. Bro! you gave yourself away. That’s why you got found out! You better start getting on your knees and pray that you won’t get expelled. Unnacceptable. YDI

OP, please don't procreate. Let the family line die with you for the sake of humanity.

I sincerely hope you get expelled. With people like you around, nobody's property is safe. You don't know what that person had to do to afford it. What have you done to be able to afford it? Have you looked for part time work? Applied for a student loan?

This is a very sad FML. A kid stealing a calculator because her family can't afford one. A heartless teacher suspended her instead of helping her out. This is the vicious cycle of poverty and how hard it is to get out of it.

"Helping her out" with what? The salary that can barely pay their own bills? People like you are the reason teachers are expected to buy all of their necessary supplies out of pocket, because you somehow think it's their responsibility to supply the things *your* kid needs to learn.

boilerdude 4

Glad you got caught this girl you stole from could have had serious trouble with her family for losing it, hope you lose any friends and trust you had from anyone I grew up poor and never thought to steal do without or ask nicely to borrow. the fact you think being poor is a good excuse to steal shows a lack of morality do some odd jobs and get one yourself, cut grass, wash cars or windows. Don’t be lazy get off ur butt do some work get ur own.

I hope you really had diarrhea and emptied your bowels as much as you emptied your backpack. Suspension is a slap on the wrist. You deserve to be arrested and charged with theft.

I swear this was posted a few days ago. If not, my mistake. Also, you get what you deserve, thief. If you were stealing to survive, I wouldn't condone it, but I would understand, but you stole a damn calculator. That's a dumb move. You were lucky they only suspended you, but it's even worse cos now you're known as a thief. You'll be lucky to get a spare pen after this. I understand that you are going through a hard time, but there is no excuse for that.

bet you are typing on a smartphone. In which you can download a graphing calculator app.

whatshername?! 39

A smartphone is probably not allowed to be used in a test, so that's not helping.