Chill out, mate

By Anonymous - 25/07/2024 21:00

Today, I learned that when you tell an employee with anger issues that he’s had too many sick days due to being hungover, there's a high chance you will be hoisted off the ground by your shirt front and thrown into a drainage ditch full of stagnant water and a dead fox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 566
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well the one silver lining is that you have cause to boot him out the door.

Former employee, you definitely have grounds.


Well the one silver lining is that you have cause to boot him out the door.

Former employee, you definitely have grounds.

Wadlaen 23

Well, the more you know...

jlc82 9

well hopefully he now has legal issues to go along with those anger issues... if not ydi 100% for putting up with that shit

I hope you called the cops just after you fired him