What happens in Vegas doesn't stay there?

By Markeesha - 15/07/2018 19:30 - United States - Eaton

Today, I got a letter from the state that I'm being divorced. I've never been married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 891
You deserved it 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They can see your future! You're in the Twilight Zone! Run for your life!

Just shut up, take half the community property, and run!


You must get around. Being divorced by a whole state

Its just a woman trying to get more undeserved alimony

saffy66 34

Probably a mix-up with someone with the same name. Get to the bottom of it.

If only I were so lucky... been trying to get divorced for three years but my ex won’t cooperate. And since I don’t have money for a lawyer it’s dragging out....

The fact that you didn't know that you are married is probably why they are filing for divorce. I mean seriously.... you really should have put more into the marriage before this point.