
By Anonymous - 25/05/2017 04:00

Today, my boss held a meeting to talk about how we can't overlook others and no one should pick favorites. I walked out unemployed when I pointed out that she completely ignored the person who made the biggest sale in company history and constantly gave her son raises for mediocre work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 825
You deserved it 995

Same thing different taste


jennisyn 11

Good for You! You also left a folk hero. Sounds like you had enough ?

I had to read the first part of this like seven timers.

EmDizzle2007 28

you aint the only one. lol

fantastamazing 10

Way to go you! Sounds like you've got some courage tucked away in there

Don't point out hypocrisy trust me a mod in a stream on twitch banned me when I pointed out that she was spamming the stream after she had told me and others not to spam

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Well looks like you learned a lesson on when to not open your mouth. Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should. And if you didn't realize trashing your boss (justified or not) in front of the rest of the staff was a terrible idea, now you do.

Does this boss own the company? Trust me, you're fighting a losing battle there, trying to point out to a parent that their kid is doing shitty work and should be fired. It's best to keep your mouth shut in that situation.

What did you think was going to happen? you criticise a mothers son in front of everyone. Did you think she was going to reward you? Classic case of when not to voice opinions