Who are you?

By LCDRBrownHercules - 22/09/2015 01:44 - United States - Lake Elsinore

Today, my 5-year-old daughter sobbed inconsolably on my return home from a several-month long deployment to the Middle East. I was touched by her reaction until she blurted out that she wasn't crying because she missed me, but because my shaved head looked scary ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 965
You deserved it 2 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your daughter remembers how you looked when you left and she probably wasn't expecting you to come home with a new unfamiliar look. Give her a couple days and she will get used to your new look ;) welcome home!

moo77_fml 20

Ahhhh.. Bless her... She will get used to it.. And thank you for your service


Out of the mouths of babes. Priceless!! ?

Thank you for your service. She has probably already warmed up since you posted. When kids are very young any change in appearance shakes their little worlds up a bit. My youngest shied away from me when he was little once I started to wear glasses occasionally because he had only seen me wearing contacts. Perfectly normal.

bleedingglitter 24

My baby cries when my husband takes off his glasses so I understand this.

thatonetribute 31

I'm sorry, OP. She probably just wasn't expecting it. She'll get used to it. Seriously, Welcome home!

Its ok. Shes just not used to how you look without hair. Thanks for your service OP!

hopefully you can find a way to explain why you shaved it. thank you for serving. hope the tour went as smoothly as possible and you don't have to go back (maybe she'll be happy if your hair grows out a lil)

LCDR, Having served 10 1/2 years as a Master-at-Arms, I too have gone overseas and returned home to family who didn't recognize me. Things will get better sir, and remember she did miss her "daddy". Sincerely, MA2 Cardoza

considering his name is LCDR I'm sure he's not a soldier, he's a sailor. Its not cool to use the wrong title.

Red_Curls1995 28

Aw I wouldn't feel too bad about it. Kids react to big changes like that. It's like kids that get scared after their dad shaves their beard, it's just that she's not used to seeing you that way so it scares her. I'm sure she'll get used to it. :) thank you for your service