Who the **** are you?

By silly_billy - 11/06/2009 05:08 - United States

Today, I was eating lunch with my wife. We were having a nice time when a man came up to me. He said, "Hey! Bill how are you?" I wasn't really sure, so being polite I said, "I'm sorry, I can't remember your name." He frowned and walked away. It was my company's Chairman of the Board. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 367
You deserved it 54 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sigh. Easy solution. "Oh why hello! How are you? This is my wife ______" She says hello, goes to shake his hand and he will automatically introduce himself. VERY rarely will this not work.

Do you work so far down the food chain that you never met the leaders?


dude, you didnt have to tell him you didnt know his name. you could have just said hey back and continue on the conversation without having to actually say his name.

Dead_and_Gone 0

ask him how to spell his name just hope it isnt ROB

flex_able 0

13 got it...come on now.....

Well that does suck, make sure that you appoliges to him, appoligings is better then bolwing it off as if it never happed. Im sure he'll under stand. RI

Agreed with #13, that is exactly what I do in that kind of situation and it usually works. I've even had situations where I know I'm going to encounter someone whose name I've forgotten at a function I'm going to with a friend, so I ask that friend ahead of time to introduce themselves to the person on my signal, haha.

The OP didnt know it was the chairman of the board when he came over. He probably thought it was someone he met at a party or something. Then realized later that it was the chairman. At least he didn't do like some people and try doing something clever and then looking like an idiot.

Numba22 0

dude 13 thats so smart. i wish i had a wife so i could do that

Hope you enjoyed to meal because I don't think resturant's are going to be in your budget soon. I'm assuming it's a resturant because I don't see how else your chairman could have run into you while eating unless you're real liberal with who is allowed to come in you're house at anytime.

snow_cloak 0

At least pretend to know him, and then somewhere in your convo, you can bring up the topic.

why would you say that just go along with it and then later ask someone who he was