Who the **** is this guy?

By Username - 06/08/2011 07:09 - United States

Today, my mom picked up my dog from the groomers. I came home to find a small female terrier on our couch. My dog is a full grown male maltese. What's worse is that it took me a full 20 minutes to convince my mom that she had picked up the wrong dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 974
You deserved it 2 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9

What's up with all of the fmls with people that have dumbass parents?


salvorican 24

Are you sure she didn't just hate your dog and want that one instead?

YDI for trusting a women with mans best friend.

Another FML: Today, I went to the groomers to pick up my terrier... The only dog that was there was a fully grown maltese, were is MY dog at ???!! FML

well it all runs in the family genes LOL

Goodatbeingbad 9

The groomers should have known that she was taking the wrong dog...

How would the place let her take the wrong dog to begin with is what I wanna know....

sweetheartxoxo88 7

I feel sorry for the owner of the terrier.