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By Anonymous - 06/04/2016 08:34 - United Kingdom - Bromsgrove

Today, I spent hours putting together a beautifully intricate jigsaw to give to my grandmother, who likes to frame them and hang them on her wall. Just as I was about to finish it, I discovered my dog chewing the last piece. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 478
You deserved it 1 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What my mom does when we lose pieces is she cuts out some poster board in the same shape as the missing piece, and then draws a new one to match the rest. I don't know how your art skills are, but it's probably worth a shot

Try pasting the puzzle on cardboard and paint the last piece in. That is what we did once.


You know, I've never actually seen a downvoted comment on the best comments list before. That's an achievement for you, I guess.

To everyone downvoting me. #1 had the top comment when I posted my comment, despite her having been thumbed down.

Buy another one of the same kind. Try finding the piece to replace it.

I appreciate the humor; but I hope you understand why you're being downvoted.

That is a perfectly normal response to the situation. This post should not be downvoted for offering advice. If OP really wanted to give this gift to her than they would absolutely buy a new puzzle and spend the time to find the piece. I doubt this comment was meant to be "humorous".

T_Seg_101 18

Saliva can make the picture wear off and if it's being chewed on then it's probably not gonna be fixed with tape.

Nonsense! Everything can be fixed with tape, especially duct tape.

hoosiergirl94 31

You'll find it here in a couple days

Just give it to her without the piece and hope she doesn't notice!

Take a picture of the part you are missing (the box should have it on the cover). Enlarge it to the correct size, then glue the picture on cardboard the same thickness as the puzzle. Cut it to fit the puzzle, then all done!

Try pasting the puzzle on cardboard and paint the last piece in. That is what we did once.

What my mom does when we lose pieces is she cuts out some poster board in the same shape as the missing piece, and then draws a new one to match the rest. I don't know how your art skills are, but it's probably worth a shot

"Why is the jigsaw incomplete?" "The dog ate it..." I doubt that will go down well. Good luck explaining yourself.