Wild night

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Norway

Today, I woke up with a hangover. I had a party last night. Besides a stolen TV, someone seemingly decided to take a dump in my piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 735
You deserved it 30 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doink 0

Talk about a party-pooper, eh? Har, har, har....


bouncers my friend. Go to your local bar find the gang of bikers offer them 60 bucks each. And you then have a safer house party. That or renta-cops. Just be happy noone BEAT-hoven'd off all over that pricy dvd player below your ex-tv x

I'd rather say that guy found a way to play the brown note on a piano. Forget about Bach or Beethoven, that guy is a true genius.

scuba113 2

That sucks everyone knows not to have a party at there own house

You need to take a piano stool sample to the lab Maybe De bussy scientists there have time to Un(Maurice)Ravel this mystery

That guy created a final movement before leaving

How do you know you didn't do it, ya maroon?

lol..when did the op say he was a dark red color? moron.

dont use your toothbrush,better yet throw it out