
By Anonymous - 17/02/2017 06:00 - United States - Lakeville

Today, I placed $20 in a slot machine at a casino and in a matter of 5 minutes lost it all. My sister then sat at the same machine, put her $20 in and quadrupled her money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 169
You deserved it 2 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhhhh... that's what happens when you gamble, you lose your money. I've no problem with gambling, but if you don't accept that you will lose money then you're going to cause yourself harm.

It's gambling. You're probably gonna lose your money. Quit whining.


Well it's called gambling for a reason.

YDI, OP. Gambling is for two types of people. Ones with more money than sense and ones that enjoy losing.

That's why it's called "gambling" and not "winning"

I mean, that's how gambling works for the majority of people. You lose and others win a lot.

You played a small amount of money in what is literally the lowest stakes form of gambling, and lost. Someone else had a modest win. Why was this published again?

alternative-facts 6

When I gamble, I consider it money already spent. I decide how much to spend, buy the chips, and gamble until I lose it all. That way I have fun and it doesn't really matter if I win or lose. The house always wins in the end. No use getting upset about it.