Workplace hell

By insensitive prick - 19/08/2013 19:04 - United States - Tinley Park

Today, I was at a "Bring your family to work" event. I noticed my coworker brought his kids but not his wife, so I asked, "No wife today?" Everyone glared at me and he pointedly replied that she's married to someone else now. I had no idea. Now everyone thinks I'm an insensitive prick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 668
You deserved it 9 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Things never to say to your co-workers: 1) How's your wife/husband? 2) Are you pregnant? 3) The light bulb in your bedroom closet is out. Um, actually forget about #3.


They were glaring because it was insensitive but yes it is definitely not your fault! don't feel bad!!

Ouch. Although in todays crazy word perhaps not asking is always the best route

olpally 32

Oops, go grab a beer now op. haha. Don't sweat it too much.

Maybe a different phrase would have been better. "Hi how are ya?" Would have been better. Unless you know for a fact he was married I'd refrain from saying anything in reference to the spouse.

You didn't know therefore you should be judged...if they do it's their problem...

I'm guessing you meant OP shouldn't be judged.

But it's not your fault! You didn't know :/

That's like asking someone if they're pregnant, just don't go there

I definitely thought you were going to say she was dead.