Writer's block

By brokenhome - 25/01/2011 03:18 - United States

Today, my apartment got robbed. My 'book-in-progress' should keep them company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 846
You deserved it 2 660

Same thing different taste


If it gets published you'll know who stole it though, right?

I'm pretty sure that if it were to get published he would somehow be able to stake a claim over it. But chances are the thieves just threw it out anyway.

Well, the smart thing to do...at this point anyway...is to file a claim with your insurance. In the claim include a summary of that book so in the rare chance that book actually gets published, you'll have some sort of proof you're the author. And I hate to break it to you, but the thief/thieves probably just threw away. Bummer dude.

blink831forever 13

I'm sorry that you got your book in progress stolen. I'm writing a book too so I know how you feel.

Get over youself goodbye. It must be hard to be you yeah living in your life i was always the one to cry. Now everything is alright. On another note, Ydi it sounds like you only had one copy. Tsk.

I s'pose it's time to turn over a new page in your life. The thieves will most likely turn up at your door asking you how it ends...

theten_fml 9

your appartment cannot get "robbed"

zivlaks 0

omg her friend named "appartment" was keeping her book. he's french.

FYI--Apartments get burglarized. People get robbed.

No, 'robbed' is also correct. To rob = verb. I rob, you rob etc. Past tense - the bank was robbed. Someone robbed the bank. Burglarized is an American legal term, and it also applies to people - as in, I burglarized somebody.

Burglarized? What's wrong with just saying burgled like a normal person?