Wrong door

By apavies444 - 28/11/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, while sleeping over at my girlfriend's house for the first time, I got up to go to the bathroom. I went to go back and once in the room asked, "You ready for round two baby?" The light came on and at this moment I realized I went into her parents' bedroom by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 161
You deserved it 45 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and then her dad said "sure am cupcake ;)"

FYLDeep 25

I take it you two were playing Poker and it was time for round two of the game. Although there is one variant of the game known as Poke-her which doesn't involve cards.


ulicksam 0

What's with all the children having sex, especially when mommy and daddy are home?

why were her parents home if you guys were having sex? isn't that pretty bad timing?

cupcakeyumzz 0

LOL! XD so did u get an answer???

soccergoal 0

that sucks at least they know your having have sex so when she gets pregnant it is not a surprise.

Lol you should've gotten their reactions on camera…

Jonscarl 0

WOW......OP, are you both OVER 18 yrs old? If not, then somebody maybe looking @ rape charges filed by the parents..(yes, they can do that), "LEGAL" consent to have sex requires you BOTH to be 18+ yrs old or of a specific age as described by LAWS in the state where you live, WITH the consent of 1 or both of the other person's parents to engage in sexual activity. I personally know of a guy who is now in his 20's & when he was 17 had sex with his 16 yr old GF....Her parents filed rape charges, and now he will be listed as a SEX OFFENDER for the his ENTIRE life.....good luck in getting/keeping a job/apartment.....SO, the phrase, "Stupid is as stupid does" applies to both of you IF either of you are under 18.

1) Calm down. 2) What on earth made you think they were below the age of consent? 3) The age of consent in the US varies, is 16 in far more states than it's 18. 4) Parental consent has nothing to do with it. 5) STOP using CAPS for EMPHASIS all the TIME. It's ANNOYING. 6) Calm down. Seriously.