WTF was that?

By no salt, no burning, just STFU - 08/03/2015 14:41 - United States

Today, I woke up this morning in a panic. Last night, I heard scratching at my door, but I thought it was just my cat and went back to sleep. This morning, it hit me that my cat is 600 miles away, living with my mom in Iowa. I'm terrified to even sleep now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 758
You deserved it 3 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Burn it down. Burn it down now. Get out of there now while you still can. Get on a plane and as far away from there as possible. Don't look back. Don't bring anything with you, no time. Get a priest there asap to cleanse the land to be safe. It's time for a new life. It has already been too late for some. It all starts when that first scratch is heard. Maybe you can be saved. It's still early.

who you gonna call?...but on a serious note thats f'ed up


damndre 14

Sounds to me like you have a classic case of cat ghost.

It might just be a rat. It Scarred me too when i first heard a scratch inside the walls at night but it turned out to be a huge rat.

You make it sound like that makes it all alright?! That's just as terrifying to me!

In all seriousness OP, it could just be rats. At least I hope it is.

Creepy. Maybe it was actually outside. Hopefully?

eek that's no good . keep it safe and have the phone near you

Scheffy213 17

kinda creepy but could easily be a coon or something else

"Tonight the door, tomorrow you" - mysterious noises

I suggest sleeping with holy water on your night stand

randomheartthrob 7

I'm reading this as I'm watching the conjuring. Great

That is a movie to be immersed in. Bad you for doing other things. =)