Y'all need him!

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my mom to stop sending pictures of Jesus to my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 836
You deserved it 3 528

Top comments

MwahFMLS 6

The power of Christ compels you!

"He's watching every sinful act you commit with my daughter! "


bubo_fml 10

Just what kind of message is her Mum trying to push on them? Everyone knows the song, "Jesus Loves the Little Children," which would make him a more notorious pedo than Michael Jackson...It's a sick world, I tell ya!

Can't stand those god lovers. Two issues for me. Most of them are a- As a group, religious people are the most Judgmental, narrow minded hypocrites you can find. and b- Willing to believe in something that is false, untrue and never happened. Religion was created to explain things people could not understand and has been used to control the masses. That worked well in earlier times but people have become smarter and religions rime is done.it is false and no longer serves a purpose. It is as stupid as beliving in the Easter bunny or Santa Clause or joining the Nazi party.

slappinGoodtimes 0
natas_fml 13

It's always gonna be sour grapes with you, boy; until you get right with jebus!

slappinGoodtimes 0

If her mom was a nun, she wouldn't have been born.

Sounds like my mom...anyway, GO JESUS! :D

shadowwulf95 3

hey maybe ur bf and ur mommy are having a sexual affair and everytime they **** she says oh Jesus so she's just reminding him lmao

bubo_fml 10

W.W.J.D.? Sue your Mom's ass for violating his copyright protection through the unauthorized distribution of his image w/o his expressed written consent!

abbs23413 2

Should've been the Virgin Mary...haha

mbrooks5110 0

Why does she have his number?