You learn something new every day

By virginkiller - 03/03/2012 13:23 - Singapore

Today, my girlfriend revealed to me that she has primeisodophobia. What is primeisodophobia, you may ask? Well, it's the fear of losing your virginity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 247
You deserved it 5 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a natural fear that the two of you can work through together to a mutually satisfactory result. Getting her to face her fear is important for your relationship.

Morgannnnuhhh 1

So make her Un-afraid.(: show her that you love her, comfort her and support her. She will eventually come around, more men need to think with there brain instead of their dicks.


C94_ 0

i had that fear from age 1-10......... im 18 now.

Well, when your username on here is 'virginkiller' it wouldn't work out too well anyway!!!

Peace that bitch the **** out the more time you waste tryin to **** her you coulda ****** 10 girls seriously shes a dyke

xx_gir_xx 2
poopadoop254 0

Most girls have it I have it, mostly because I almost got raped; don't push her and try to see if there is a reason behind her having that fear or if she is just afraid to have sex