By fingerhut - 03/03/2012 08:27 - United States
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That's what Tabloids are for nowadays anyway.
That's some expensive toilet paper.
Tabloids are in magazines not the newspaper
Umm Sunday is tomorrow if I'm not mistaken.
FMLs aren't posted on the day they're submitted, nor are they necessarily submitted on the day they happen.
31 - There are two types of Newspaper: Tabloid and Broadsheet. Tabloids are your typical trashy sunday paper with the page 3 girl and all your Celebrity crap. Trust me.
^ Good to know.
Lolol, at least it wasn't as bad as it could be, there will probably soon be another fml story from the guy whose yard you used
As long as you didn't get any on the comic section:)
Personally, I'm hoping that there was an article about wallstreet on the paper op used
Not as bad as I thought it was. While reading it, I thought op was hit by a piece of shit
Dude, you can fight it once the urge is there.
No doubt. It sucks trying to fight it when you're driving.
And hey you got the comics while your at it
No i don't... Yours is a couple of years off.
Hopefully no one saw you. It could've been worse OP. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...
Sometimes when you gotta go, you gotta go man.
I like how this FML was worded. It's like the OP slayed some sort of cumbersome cave dwelling dragon while armed only with a sword fashioned out of the Sunday funnies.

That's what Tabloids are for nowadays anyway.
Lolol, at least it wasn't as bad as it could be, there will probably soon be another fml story from the guy whose yard you used