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By pissed - 17/12/2013 21:17 - United States

Today, my husband called me from the store, trying to decide whether or not to buy the new games console he's been wanting. I'd already purchased one and hid it, ready for Christmas Day. I couldn't talk him into not buying himself one. There goes a $500 surprise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 118
You deserved it 7 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd end up admitting it and ruining the surprise before he bought it.

Maybe this time you should have just told him?


I'd end up admitting it and ruining the surprise before he bought it.

MzZombicidal 36

I agree. I would have either have told him or just returned it and used the money on other gifts. Maybe even a bunch of video games for his new game console! :)

You should have told him; though if he's getting himself a $500 dollar gift, I wonder what he got you?

Here's the real question: Xbox One or PS4?

Seeing as how a PS4 is only $400, I'd say it's safe to assume XBOX ONE.

I would assume it was the PS4 with an extra game or controller.

Yeah. Same here #55. I have 2 Xbox 360s and I love them both. It's better than Xbox One. More gaming on Xbox 360. All you can do is talk with friends on, watch TV/Netflix, and the same stuff you do on Xbox 360. PS4 is cheaper, and (from what I've heard) is a lot better than Xbox One. But Xbox 360 is better than Xbox One, and PS4 is better than all of 'em.

Ok guys geez lets leave the Console wars to youtube and keep fml pure.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

No, we must finish this! Xbox one dominates playstation. They made the decision to allow developers access to the almighty cloud if the systems processors can't handle what they're putting out, thus, this system is infinite! Until 4 years.. Then it's obsolete like my 360 :(

That's what I'm saying, #86. Xbox One has more movies and more social time than gaming itself. That's why Xbox 360 is better. And CallMeMcFeelii, PS4 May be better, But everyone who's thinking about whether to buy an Xbox One or PS4, choose PS4!

jazzy_123 20

She should have told him that she had a credit card debt or some kind of debt to pay and couldn't afford to spend that kind of money on a game system. Genius! lol

Yep, I had to tell my partner when I bought him an expensive new watch for his birthday, as he wanted to buy a new watch when we went to the mall.

DenBriZel 31

#86 while I agree with your Wiiu statement, as I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan (my daughter's name is Zelda :D), I have to disagree with the PC one. I do admit that the PC can play a slightly larger selection of games (so far, ps4 JUST came out so who knows where it's going) I'm going to say the ps4 is better. I own one, I've explored everything about it and I can honestly say it's focused on the games. Sony has even said that they created the Console with gamers in mind, unlike Microsoft. Also, I have multiple PC Gamer-friends who have said that they are actually considering switching to a ps4 if/when they can because the new hardware of ps4 is on par with the best PC setups (also been confirmed by IGN) And don't let the 500GB storage fool you. Unlike, the Xbox One, the ps4's storage can be added to with any PC part that will fit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely hating on Microsoft. I'm a fan of both and plan on eventually getting the Xbox one as well, because there are some xbox exclusives I'm dying to play. But I've always leaned towards Sony, and the ps4 is honestly WAY better for any Gamer.

Everyone assumes the Xbox One was about gaming (not that it wasn't), but Microsoft has proven itself in the gaming community; and the Xbox One was more about getting the chick next to the gamer like the Xbox instead of fighting with it over his time. From an objective, non-fanboy point of view.

Not that anyone cares but the PS4 is better for real gamers and the Xbox one is an entertainment console. I like both of them for different reasons but I like the entertainment part of the Xbox one so that is what I will end up getting.

Maybe this time you should have just told him?

That's why you keep the receipt. But I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture.

Ps4s and xbox ones are sold out everywhere in Ireland nearly. I don't know what it's like over there but I'm sure she could find someone to sell it to.

I always keep the receipts, just for stuff like that

She should just keep it for herself. she should get an awesome present too

100% with you lad. I'm pretty sure is the Xbox One. Both Ps4 and Xbox One are hard to find still.

She could even sell it on eBay, I been seeing them go for 800 bucks or more!!!!

jonahwalzer 12

Awww that really sucks!!! Hopefully he keeps the recite so he can take it back when you give him yours!

*receipt. Normally I dont correct grammar but you used a completely different word.

DenBriZel 31

Not as bad as when I saw someone spell "supposed" as SAPOST. It was horrible.

pwnman 33

Looks like you and him have a Christmas surprise.. He keeps his console, you have your own!

I bought one for my husband a month ago, intending it to be for Christmas. He found it, opened it, and started using it when I was at the gym a few weeks ago.

I got my fiance a ps4. He knew from the beginning when it was pre ordered otherwise he would have bought it for himself. He got it right away, an early gift. A Christmas gift doesn't HAVE to be given on Christmas.

at least you know its a great gift!

Chellybelly92 14

Why would he buy that this close to Christmas anyway? FYL.

I am more than willing to accept the present. Spread the joy? :)

Ugh. My ex used to do that. Don't people know by now, NEVER buy yourself stuff right before Christmas?