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By Anonymous - 29/11/2010 19:09

Today, my girlfriend threw my X-box out the window, because I asked her how much she weighs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 289
You deserved it 56 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why, why hurt the innocent?


amerrah 4


I don't think it matters. Hello! You are dating. I tell my bf my weight every week when I weigh myself. How dumb of her.

cwhitney11 4

I have a feeling my comments being read by an alex...mwahaha

thisgirl2u 9

Soo, Seriously we are all in agreement that OP's girlfriend THREW an Xbox out the window because he asked her about her weight??? I mean that is just insanity, there has to be more than just a weight question going on here.. But if this truly is the case then shouldn't she now be his EX girlfriend?

AlterCreed 0

bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

i feel like my comments are being read by a chase?!?

sarinasusu 2

: / weird question.? But- She should've only thrown it if you were a douche. Sorry.! Fyl.

While I do agree that you don't ask a woman what her weight is, that is a WAY overreaction. Get her to pay for another one. Bad question ≠ Destruction of property. FYL.

cradle6 13

Disagreed. That's horrible logic. That reminds of back when rape victims were grilled in court about "what they were wearing." A bad question doesn't warrant destruction of several hundred dollars worth of property

zakkyzebra 11

157, nothing is a rude question to guys. Yeah maybe I'd you ask what shade of pink his sister is but that's rude to anyone. Guy or girl.

sassypants93 17

I wouldn't mind if a guy asked me my weight, but why do they want to know what a girl weighs in the first place? I'm just curious

rfngxhhshi 0

sometimes rulers don't measure in inches... or centimeters. obviously japan needs more sushi?

Nuketown 0
Nuketown 0

actually 52, if the harddrive was not damaged it is possible with: a new hard drive, a computer, an Xbox 360 data transfer cable and some hardworking and determination.

Anaxes 5

Snap her phone in half, because according to stereotypes, young females are spending too much time yapping on their cell phones and not enough time yapping at the kids to get out of the kitchen.

You can't blame a victim. Not suggesting the OP's wife is a victim- she's ******* batshit insane. It's just not right to penalize the husband for a legitimate question.

how the **** does he deserve this that chick is obviously crazy

EvilDave 13

No, don't snap it in half. Take a dump, then toss the phone in with it.

Danniiboii22 0

if she hears that she gonna goto ur house and throw them out ur windows lol

0opsie 6

I'm thinking there's more to what you said. Women, no matter how crazy, don't typically toss expensive stuff out the window for a simple "How much do you weigh?" Not that she didn't over-react, even if you had said "Lol, ur gettin' chunky. How much do you weigh now, like, a TON?" Either way, drop her and make her pay for it.

YDI for leaving your X-Box in the kitchen.

Since she threw your XBox out the window, is she your ex-girlfriend now? Cause I'd bitch-slap as much as I can get away with outta her FYL

C94Slim 7

LOL that's my name, but I spell mine Chayse:)

hobojo11 0

holy shit 308 won the crap outa us

Xbox's are replaceable, but saved games are not. :(

lemonypower 6

true. hope your hardrive wasn't damaged

as long as the platters weren't spinning it might be ok! ... and if the drive is still in one piece, that is...

Havent you heard about bill Gates' new plan to start selling girlfriend insurance for every new xbox sold in 2011?

my question is whats the xbox doing in the kitchen?

hobojo11 0

i agree with boobs up there but you are all nerds never under any sercomstances ask a girl how much she weighs and if they ask how much you think they are drop your real opinion by 20 to 30 lbs

ehh ps3 is better gran turismo 5 amazing game not made on xbox

lilmisslovely13 15

#99 i like your picture. it made me lol :D

Hahaha, I would die if my boyfriend threw my xbox out the window! I'm addicted Yo black ops< 3

skull4k9 0

u think it sucks cuz u cant quicksope dumbass, or noobtube, wait, u can do that...

Cates500 0

Black Ops isn't that great but Stephanie Text Me?:P I'll beat you down

KiddNYC1O 20
DudeImBetter 0

162 is just a hater, Black ops is dope. also don't pick 108 pick me cause I at least know how to spell marry.

They hate cause they suck, they wanna be try-hards but they don't succeed. ( :

anyone who likes call of duty is just a troll and loser, "oh look a game i can actually win" <obvious trolls are obvious i say Halo is way better because they have a better supporting fan base and call of duty is just like being obsessed over... dare i say it, justin bieber, and its true, some people need to grow up, heck id even throw my xbox out and play WoW because i cant go on xbox anymore without seeing call of duty all over my dashboard. if anyone wants to argue their opinion and look stupid idc because im pretty sure i made my point

stfuscrub420 0

my kd/r is like 1.8 but i hate it compared to mw2

240- Although YOU may have made YOUR point, that is a complete matter of opinion. I agree with everyone above in saying Black Ops kicks ass. I absolutely HATE Halo, just because I can't stand the sensitivity. I can never seem to adjust, no matter what I set it to. So the fact that you think you're the Almighty God and that everyone else's opinions and likes suck disqualifies your opinion, therefore resulting in Black Ops being awesome.

haha whaaattt?? that's awesome .____. I'll add for fun! A p o c h 1 1 (:

Jesus, thts amazing a girl who likes black ops. um that's kinda hot ;)

Anaxes 5

#255 - Console beats PC? Facepalm on so many levels. I'll go through a tidy list: 1. Consoles don't have an RTS genre (Maybe 1 or 2 ported games but the ports are crappy). 2. Can't mod on a console. 3. Have to pay to do online on the xbox. 4. You can actually update a PC, pulling the console apart just voids the warranty. 5. Consoles are filled with retards on their god damn microphones. 6. He never said anything about WoW in that post, stop making shit up. I don't know about you, but when a platform can't even support an entire genre, it kind of makes your console fetish rather stupid.

add me on xbox for black ops :D names coollatinoman lol

#281 you don't have to pay for online on all consoles like ps3 :P

lalagirl912 0

only good games are call of duty(modern warfare 2 is my fav..), Fall out 3/new vegas(<3333 that game!!!), and others likee those! Halo S-U-C-K-S!

hey I'll hit you up on xbox then and black ops is good

Arab07 0

ur like five years old get a life

shortystar_fml 0

eh its not all that great its alrite. i still am use to mw2 so maybe thats y but w.e

add me Locusts Fury. I like halo reach now just because I havent bought black ops. both games are equally amazing I'm sure. buy for not multiplayer. fallout for sure

teamabbswaffles 0

so do I! haha. best game ever (apart from world of warcraft) too bad I'm horrible at it :P

black ops sucks. i prefer a game with plot elements a good story... such as fallout I have nothing against FPSes I just prefer RPG/FPSRPGS. and if anyone says I cnt quick scope guess what... Frankly dear, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN snipers don't "quickscope" they use the god damn scope so thank you and have a nice day

no black ops is alright but mostly a disappointment

DerGeist_fml 0

black ops is tight haha I'll add u during well on the weekend have better things to do on the weekdays

gocutler88 0

first girl I have heard of that plays black ops, that's awesome

urmomsmeatstick 0

gears of ***** bitch ass :D or cod 4 bad co 2 is also pretty good

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ohthebloodygore 16

You're also never supposed to mistake your and you're, but you did. Idiot.

Well, 35, while I consider educating the masses a lost cause, I am nevertheless obliged to admire your perseverance.

relaxedninja 18
ohthebloodygore 16

Why can't you leave #4 alone, she wasn't doing anything to hurt anybody. If you have such a big problem with her grammar ignore it. Personally, people who think they are superior to others piss me off more than ignorance and stupidity.

I love how Gore is just beaking everybody. xD

nichole818 5

129. Get over yourself. People need to learn how to spell and use proper grammar in real life so why not on the Internet. Idiot.

gators1995 30

Of course people need to learn how to spell and leave them alone. If they act like idiots and can't spell then just ignore it. I hate how people tell people to have proper grammar on the internet. I seen comments have thumbs-up and they have had mispelled a word or two.

it doesnt matter if he asks her. she should grow up.

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stfuscrub420 0

16 trying to get some. why not just agree with 4? same shit and it was earlier.

That doesn't make this a normal thing. His girlfriend sounds pretty crazy. PS- I've asked my girlfriends their weights. Usually after the first month and a half of dating. Never had one lose it at me before, although one of them did get kind of upset for some reason.

FYLDeep 25
ohthebloodygore 16

I'm with SOMA, here. I mean it's pretty damn obvious how much you weigh. Getting upset just proves how much of an idiot you are. Also, how insecure you really are. Besides an xbox? I'm not a fan of them... but why would she even break something that belongs to you? If she's comfortable enough to break your stuff, you should be comfortable enough to ask her how much she bloody weighs.

Op probably said something along the lines of, "Damn, you fat *****! Whatdo ya weigh now, you cow? make me a sandwich while I play my game and when I'm done we can burn them calories off(;" This pickup line hasn't worked too well for me...

I agree with troll. We are probably missing some of the story here.

Unrelated to comment: Your profile pic is AWESOME.

if you're dating a girl and she flips out / gets mad / hurts you and or xbox when you ask her weight, she's got baggage, ****** ditch the bitch. plenty o fish in the sea. oh, and.. **** the stupid backward smiley faces. :)


persianjr1 7

it's a simple question. he's her BOYFRIEND! what she did was immature and shows how insecure she is.

SMILEYFACE WAR. :) :) :) =) >) | ) :) :-) =-)

#5 Okay, so I guess since I'm not really an accepted teen girl I missed out on some secret meeting but when was asking a girls weight wrong? Seriously I play the guessing game with people to see if they can guess... o.o And then I check the scales for the first time in 3 years to see if they're right. :D

Herropreez17 0

Lol make her buy you a new one or sue her :P

If anyone broke my damn Xbox or PS3 they better run fast.

but that doesn't give the girl the right to destroy his property

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persianjr1 7
lalagirl912 0

ya it's obvious that it was obvious you guys...

the_geek_we_love 0

that's why I has a ps3....even my girlfriend knows it's great

noboundary 9

see this guy knows what he's talking about, PS3 FTW

shadyecko 0

PS3 is the greatest peice of technology ever invented.

ilikebigtits 0
teamabbswaffles 0

yea!! ps3 is the best. I mean, it can only do everything ;)

palikadude 5

Smoking weed guys? Obviously wii ftw but ps3 and xbox good too

omggtfomi 1

Exactly Microsoft sucks ass the only reason I have an original xbox is because it was my brothers OP forget the xbox 360 and just get a ps3 they are so much better

Xbox 360 is infinitely better. Without Blue ray, your system is the same as Xbox except there's no games and it's more expensive.

nick543 0

ummm yea you better get some grrreat sex to make up for that one

ohthebloodygore 16
stfuscrub420 0

No he's right. unless shes a fat cow, i totally agree.

ohthebloodygore 16

65, no. I'm saying he's an idiot for saying that OP's girlfriend should give him great sex. Yes, what she did was stupid, immature, and pathetic but it doesn't entitle him to sex. Therefore #8 is an idiot.

nocanhaz 4

8 is just the stereotypical guy... they make me sick

If the majority of guys are forced to massage their women for sex, who says she is not forced to give him sex for ruining HIS relaxing video game? Exactly.

I sense a strong arguement is about to unfold. HIDE THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN! WE'RE ABOUT TO GO NUCLEAR, BABY!!! lol just kidding

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why, why hurt the innocent?

MarineWifey88 3

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Not asking a girl her age is just grounds for a lawsuit...

susieKiute 0

i wouldnt care. 125lbs and proud of them! lol

lol! Primus, your pic goes great with your comment!

#10 i disagree with that, if shes fat or old then don't ask. Estimate :P

Say you ask "How young are you?" is that okay?