You what?

By unknown - 02/11/2013 21:10 - Canada - Courtenay

Today, I sat down with my daughter to have the sex talk, because she recently started seeing a guy. I mentioned at one point how disappointed I would be if she got pregnant. She went wide-eyed and asked, "Didn't mom tell you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 527
You deserved it 6 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scorpio1691 29

I'm half wondering if she is pulling your leg, just to get a reaction.


Your daughter was either being serious or she is an expert troll. I hope she was just yanking your chain OP.

That's a horrible way to look at it. Friends at school are generally as clueless and you at that age and the school doesn't always do the best job. It's the parent's responsibility to teach their children about sex, not the schools. It's because of that way of thinking that there are so many stupid kids out there who don't know a thing about sex or pregnancy but are doing it anyway.

kingdomgirl94 29

Yeah, cause letting a bunch of 12 year old's spread 'facts' is reliable. The school system typically doesn't talk about anything really other than abstinence, and it certainly only uses scare tactics like "you could get pregnant if you have sex" or "you could get an STD" rather than giving information on safe sex and what is a reliable form of protection and what isn't. Why would you trust strangers and kids with your teen's sexual health and well being? Make sure they're well informed by doing it yourself and help stop misinformation through kids and squeamish teachers.

Looks like she figured it out on her own

I feel like part of the problem is that sex is a taboo subject for many people. My mom never treated it as taboo, just as a part of life. She taught me the birds and bees, the basics, the risks, the prevention methods, and the options incase I got pregnant. She also offered to get me proper protection if I divided to have sex because she wanted my to be safe about it. Now at age 18 I am still a virgin. Not because I am waiting for marriage or because I think sex is dirty, but because I don't want a baby right now and I know that this is the best way. (Also because when the opportunity presented itself I didn't have protection and refused.) I will do this with my kids in the future. Tell them that it is not taboo, that it is perfectly fine and healthy when practiced safely. I will also offer to prepare them when they are ready because I want them to be safe when the time comes. I'm not delusional, I know it will happen at some point. This was probably one of the best decisions my mom made for me and my brother because we were both fully educated.

Ouch ! I feel for you OP but stand your ground and let her see her teen social life go bu-bye. The road of responsibility waits for her.

Another candidate for '16 and pregnant'? I hope not!


no it is to get her away from her boyfriend

KrazyKatz3 26

I think there's a difference between the this is how babies are born. VS. Don't let him force you into anything