You what?

By unknown - 02/11/2013 21:10 - Canada - Courtenay

Today, I sat down with my daughter to have the sex talk, because she recently started seeing a guy. I mentioned at one point how disappointed I would be if she got pregnant. She went wide-eyed and asked, "Didn't mom tell you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 527
You deserved it 6 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scorpio1691 29

I'm half wondering if she is pulling your leg, just to get a reaction.


2_Fn_funny 6

chin up grandpa! to YDI saying it will ruin her life and it's the parents fault get your head out of the sand. Things happen. .... I had a baby in high school and am a very successful person. .. and my kids are great. .and my grand is precious! love my life

fluffywaspluka 7

All these people saying get an abortion just because she's young are messed up! So you feel that any girl that is young should get an abortion?! I understand that she is young but it was also her decision to have sex in the first place. It's not that child's fault. And the comment about the "abortion pill" she can't even take it it only works the first week after having sex. If she already knows she's pregnant she has to be anywhere between 3-8 weeks pregnant. At this point she would have to get an actual abortion where they scrape the baby out of her. Did you know that at only a month the baby has fingernails? That is a life you are just telling her to throw away in the garbage. And the other person commenting that adoption isn't always best either. Ya well at least they would be alive. You never know what that baby may do later in life. Maybe that baby will find a cure for cancer because he was driven that his mom didn't throw him away to die. I understand abortion in health reasons or rape or incest but just because she is young is not an excuse. She obviously is old enough to figure out what goes where without "the talk." I mean I'm 23 and got my first period at 11 and thought I was dying and I had already had "the talk" and sex education and still couldn't figure those things out till I was almost 16. I'm hoping for the best OP but do consider all the options before making a rash decision and also make sure she understands everything to before she makes any decisions as well. :)

fluffywaspluka 7

There is nothing wrong with abortions, it's her choice. But given her age, having a child could seriously injure or even kill her. I wonder what's worth more, an actual living human or an unborn, undeveloped foetus.

Sex is an instinct, I'm sure you would have found out how to have sex if you had any desire to try.

kingdomgirl94 29

Just because you waited until you were 16 doesn't mean she did. these days kids know at 12 that screw A goes into hole B, and often do it without knowing the full consequences or are taught that pullingout is a reliable form of birth control. If the girl is under 16 then it is very dangerous for her to continue with the pregnancy. ultimately it will be up to her, but it will be people like you that could shame her into keeping it and risking her life and her child's well being anyways. People have the freedom to choose what is or is not done to their body, itsthe same thing that prevents he government from forcibly taking your organs or blood or bone marrow to save someone's life. If you refuse to give someone your kidney and they die, are you a murderer? selfish maybe, but not a murderer. You have the right to say what does and does not happen to your body, regardless of actions before hand. If she decides to, that's her choice, and she has every right to do so, wheher it be because of her health physically, mentally, or because carrying to full term will ruin her life. pregnancy is 9 months of her life, and if she's in school, that can ruin her socially as well as academically. What she does is up to her, but don't you dare try to shame her or her father or anyone else here into following your political beliefs. Its her body, her CHOICE, not yours, not even op's. -end rant-

"And the comment about the "abortion pill" she can't even take it it only works the first week after having sex." Get your facts straight. It can be used to terminate pregnancy that is up to nine weeks. Vacuum aspiration is only performed from week 7.

kingdomgirl94 29

It really really can't. The pill makes the body think its pregnant so that the fertilized egg can't latch onto the uterus. It needs to ve taken before it has time to attatv to the uterus. the pill needs to be taken within 72 hours for a near garuntee, and the longer you wait the less likely it is to work. you can take it up to 14 days after but that makes it less likely as time passes. Unless there's a new "Stop pregnancy now" pill, that's how the morning after pill works, via hormones that trick the body into simulating pregnancy. Get your facts straight.

Stop playing into the multibillion dollar adoption industry in this country. Adoption is more scarring and devastating than you know. My mom, through parental neglect on her mom's side (her father died when she was 8), got pregnant at 14. She had my oldest sister at 15 and her boyfriend got her pregnant again a few months later. She had her second daughter at 16. Her mother made her give the second child up for adoption. Now I have a sister I've never met. A family has been torn apart all because society thought my mother wouldn't be a good one. Let's ignore the fact that she raised 4 more children. My older sister is an excellent CNA, with home health patients who adore her. I'm very happily married and studying microbiology and chemistry at a local private college. My younger sister got married a year and a half ago and gave birth to my mom's first grandchild last year. My little brother, who came along when I was 14, is a happy, healthy, and absolutely wonderful child. Being the child born after the adoption, people tell me stories about my mom when I was a baby. She never put me down. She carried me everywhere because she was terrified someone would take me from her. She cries on my sister's birthday every year. She is clearly broken by the adoption. My sister didn't fare better. We learned, after my mom found her, that she'd tried to kill herself at 16 and constantly threatened to run away and live with her "real mom". Suicide rates are documentably higher among adoptees. Stop thinking adoption is the "safe" way to go.

AntiPrude 26

@56 So what? Because she just had sex, her life should be ruined? Great logic. I was talking about the actual abortion pill, Mifepristone/RU-486, you are talking about the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel aka Plan B, which is not an abortion pill at all. Mifepristone can be taken in the first 11 weeks, and is a quick, easy way to nip a pregnancy in the bud before it develops into a problem. So no, they don't have to 'scrape the baby out of her', as you eloquently describe, in an obvious scare tactic attempt. Fingernails? Does it have a mind? Can it think? Does it have emotions? Does it feel pain? No, no, no, and NO! Do you know who does? The poor bloody girl! But no, with you anti-choice people she's just a ***** because she gave into her biological urges. Oh hey yeah, maybe one of the sperms that my friend sprayed into a tissue could have been fertilized and the resulting person could have cured AIDS!! Stupidest argument I have ever heard. Any girl or woman does not need an 'excuse' to appease you for abortion, if its in the first trimester, its THEIR BUSINESS, not yours. Why dont you mind yours and stop trying to butt into other peoples lives. I bet you probably go and harass the poor women who go to clinics to have abortions done.

The 'abortion pill' is RU-486, not the morning after pill. It's only available in the States. If she is very young, abortion is actually the safest choice, be it medical or using the D&C method. Childbirth is traumatic for an adult woman's body. A girl younger than sixteen, sometimes even up to eighteen, doesn't have the developed anatomy to carry and give birth to a child. Not to mention the fact that she loses out on being a child herself. It would be her decision, and anti-abortion propaganda is idiotic and harmful. Many pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). A fetus isn't a life until it can exist on it's own outside the womb. Until then, it's a fetus.

#56 > Can you please spare us your anti-abortion propaganda? It's a very grey area, not a black and white issue. Your argument “Maybe that baby will find a cure for cancer because he was driven that his mom didn't throw him away to die” makes no sense. I could argue that maybe that kid will turn into a serial killer or rapist and destroy lots of lives. Bottom line is you don’t know. You don't want to give a baby the right to live but the right to be born, no matter what is going to expect them in life if they don't have parents able to care for them, ie : a series of foster homes or abusive parents with then no perspective in life. Wake up, there are loads of unhappy kids out there because they were not desired, who then become unhappy adults. Fair enough it was not their fault to be conceived but I’d rather have a woman getting an abortion than keeping the child and not making them happy. In a perfect world, contraception would work 100% and every kid could have a loving home so abortion wouldn't have to be an option. But that’s a utopia, not the reality.

Fingernails after 1 month is bullshit. 30 seconds on google shows that fingernails form after 3 months. At one month, the embryo is about one quarter of an inch longer, and doesn't even have fingers yet.

56- I can't be bothered to type out a response to all of your points, because people have already done so, but I just have to say that the "the baby could grow up to cure cancer" argument it ridiculous. I could just as easily say it could grow up to be the next Hitler.

enchantress95 7

lol either she just pretended or she really meant it

'Didn't Mom tell you ' could also be taken to mean she has already HAD an abortion, rather than she is pregnant. Please be cautious about presenting abortion as an easy answer. One of the hardest things I ever have to deal with professionallly are women who have had an abortion - sometimes very thankfully - when young, and then gone on to regret it bitterly in later years. A difficult abortion can cause infertility occasionally as well, which noone seems to talk about. It is never an easy option.

Maybe the shower head already got her pregnant.

This doesn't make sense. She said didn't mom tell you, but aren't you mom?

I don't understand why parents waitto have the talk. Puberty, for girls anyway, starts as young as 8. Girls get their peroid as young as 8. Have the infamous talk before its starts, AND a follow up after it does too. Keeping them in the dark does nothing and only yeilds more bad than good.