By ReallyMom - 09/01/2014 21:48 - United States - Shawano

By ReallyMom - 09/01/2014 21:48 - United States - Shawano
By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 20:25 - United States
By more than I wanted to know - 13/05/2013 19:10 - Italy - San Giustino
By PPP - 28/04/2015 15:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/02/2011 05:50
By CallaC - 15/03/2012 02:01 - Canada
By KidCudi227 - 19/07/2011 05:42 - United States
By confused_girl - 01/08/2013 05:10 - United States - Cedar Rapids
By Anonymous - 14/02/2021 14:01 - Colombia
By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 17:15 - United States
By unknown - 02/11/2013 21:10 - Canada - Courtenay
That is NOT the sex talk. Your mom made you watch creepy ****.
Yeah, she should have used magazines, like Jim's father!
You never know. . . Maybe that's the next lesson?
Well I guess she wanted to make sure you were gonna do it right and wouldn't hurt yourself in the process. If that's possible.
That is a little creepy. She should of asked "Do you want to watch guys jack off so you know how it's done?". It's not that hard, honestly. (it's hard for the guys though XD)
Wait which one is the bird and which one is the bee again?
Why call it "creepy ****"? Because it's men masturbating, and not women? Let's call it just ****.
I cringed while reading this.
88, how is it hard for guys to jack off? All we do is just move pur hand up and down. Dumbass
Better than her making sure you're using proper technique.
Either way that is still very creepy
It could have been a lot worse if she demonstrated it with OPs father... Positive thinking ey?
No, OP's uncle will be filming it.
@69 omg yes!
I understand why, but opine that #71 should not be getting thumbed down. #69 made a glorious reference to a previous FML; the comment number just happened to be what it is.
Yeah it's natural but it's not natural to watch videos of guys just doing that (I'm assuming you're a guy) Unless you like that kind of stuff ..
he must be a guy ,his mum just want himself to be aware of normally jerking off when being a adult,he shouldnt be shameful
Mom, can you please show me the women's version and leave the room?
If you hear noises I am taking notes
What's not natural is watching this stuff with your own mother!
Reassure her by saying "Don't worry mum, everything is under control. I'm not a gynecologist, but I take a look anyway".
I guess sex is pretty safe, if you're too scarred to ever attempt it.
The greatest form of birth control? The opposable thumb...
To me, it's loud, obnoxious, crying children. When I see them, all I want to do is just stay the hell away from vaginas.
Im so glad my mom never attempted that talk..
Same, she just told me if I had questions to ask her or my dad
That's good advice, would give a teen a totally unrealistic view of sex
59 - That would be better advice. Every teenage boy is going to watch **** whether they are permitted to or not. The mother would have done a better job if she explained that **** is not a realistic portrayal of sex.
My mom just pretends sex or masturbation doesn't exist for me hahah
As a mother I would never do that! Your mum has major boundary issues (that's kinda obvious!)
At least they weren't home videos. Give her some credit for trying.
Lmao your comment is great.
Yeah, um, there's a button for that.
Hey, if you can't beat 'em... Beat with 'em?
First, you must watch them beat. Walk, then run.
That is NOT the sex talk. Your mom made you watch creepy ****.
Better than her making sure you're using proper technique.