By Michael - 25/10/2011 15:00 - Australia

Today, while taking pills for a headache, I threw my head back to help get the pills down, and in the process, whacked it against the brick windowsill behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 934
You deserved it 15 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mahomie123 0

better take some extra pills then..

every1luvsboners 11

Hopefully the windowsill is okay. I don't think that was a headache. That was what is left of your brain trying to escape before you do anymore dumb shit.


Mahomie123 0

better take some extra pills then..

That would have been an epic facepalm moment, but I'm afraid the op's headache would get worse...

Buttsexpirate 9
Michael_Kelso 0

I'm gonna say YDI. There isn't really a reason to throw your head back to swallow pills. I don't throw my head back every time I take a bite of something. That's what my tongue is for.

cupcakesnpot 9

Well OP you hit your head for nothing.... Throwing your head back actually closes the throat and looking down opens the throat! Sorry about your head, take some more pills look down this time, and call me in the morning.

OP is obviously an idiot. Throwing your head back to swallow constricts your throat and makes you more likely to choke. The windowsill was trying to smack you for your ignorance.

I throw my head back in the air sometimes...

ImFrackinBored 13

Sounds like someones takin too many pills to me

Why were you standing that close to the wall?

Maybe he was sitting on a chair in front of a window

flockz 19

no no he obviously has levitation powers and was in fact laying down on the wall.

Scands_59 14

It would of been funny if they came flying out of his mouth lol.

lizard399 0

It was plotting against you... Some might say: you should have noticed it, but don't listen! Those bricks have it out for you man! Run! Ruunn!!!

Covering up the headache with an even more severe headache... that is the most genius cure I've ever heard of.

Lol ur hilarious, but the truth hurts

ShroomsOnAcid 16

This posted in the wrong place so just ignore it.


every1luvsboners 11

Hopefully the windowsill is okay. I don't think that was a headache. That was what is left of your brain trying to escape before you do anymore dumb shit.


olpally 32

44-never correct every1luvsboners, he's a boss..

laurark96 2

Really, 44? You had to clarify the space for us?

icefshng8 9

*Dumb grammar Nazis probably couldn't fix this sentence/word.