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By somewhatlucky - 27/12/2011 09:42 - United States

Today, my mom convinced me that she and my dad were getting divorced. I have anxiety problems, so I had a panic attack. She then laughed, and said, "Just kidding, I wanted to see your reaction. It's the best so far." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 073
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cookie_3008 4

Ha!! Tell her you are expecting a child, and enjoy the show.

You should have told her "Good that you are joking mum. I wouldn't have the heart to tell you I would choose to stay with dad!"


ladyshainaa 5

Shoot her in the knee with an arrow.

xShannonxSammyx 7

If you got adventure problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows but my knee took one.

Yeah a lot of parents seem to get off on torturing their kids!

I like to starve them for entertainment. You'd be surprised of what they do and say!!

kbtoyz69 9

so many OPs have anxiety attacks I'm just wondering is it really that common?

zurisbloodyrose 0

High anxiety is common. I have to take pills for it so I don't have panic attacks. It really sucks, trust me. =/

sky22_fml 7

Jokes are healthy unless they're taken a bit too far...

lrgenesis 19

Go to lemonparty dot org, save it to the desktop on your computer, then rename it google chrome or whattever browser your parents use and have them open it. Enjoy the show.

fadingfaith 4

I guess so. When I started getting anxiety attacks three years ago I felt like such an outsider, but now I'm starting to realize I'm not the only one.

I used to have anxiety attacks, then I took an arrow to the knee!

cookie_3008 4

Ha!! Tell her you are expecting a child, and enjoy the show.

i did tht to my mom and took 20 years off her life. she 40.

I did that, too. She didn't believe me. I think it's cause I'm a guy.

AlaskanEskimo34 0

Tell her that you are pregnant, or made a girl pregnant, and then watch her reaction to that.

that's what the person above you (3) just said.. you're a little late on that..

They posted this at the same time. #3's just so happened to show up first.

You should fake a panic attack next time she least suspects it and "fall unconscious" that'll teach the biatch.

Doesn't seem like she'd learn anything seems like she'd just be a bitch, laugh, and tell OP to "put a bandaid on it"

You should have told her "Good that you are joking mum. I wouldn't have the heart to tell you I would choose to stay with dad!"

So the best everyone could come up with was pretend you're pregnant? I'd pretend I'm a serial killer and walk towards her with a knife. What? Too much?

Yeah, you just mentioning that makes me feel awkward. SOOO geee ummmm yeah.... Look at the time, gotta GO!

Anxiety issues aside, that's an unconscionable thing to do to a child. Last I checked, parents are supposed to provide their children with a safe environment that fosters security. Your mother has problems. This isn't a practical joke, it's just cruel.

This is unrelated to the FML, but is that a **** ring on the X-ray doc?!

sinking_fish 12

84- Glad I'm not the only one that reads it! It's funny as hell! :)