By gutted - 07/05/2012 02:13 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 31/10/2015 07:19 - United States - Federal Way
By Anonymous - 16/07/2011 05:38 - Canada
By Anonymous - 19/10/2014 01:23 - United States - South Salem
Magic moments
By youmakemesick - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Chewy - 05/01/2010 10:45 - United Kingdom
By what did I do? - 15/10/2015 19:30 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 23/04/2012 09:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/10/2017 08:00 - United States - Park City
By rejected - 28/07/2014 22:09 - United States - Milpitas
Read the room
By Anonymous - 28/02/2024 05:00 - United States - Maryland Heights
Top comments
Hopefully this was not a large sporting event or one of those big public proposals where it ends up allover the Internet the next day and you drink yourself into a coma.
it could have been worse Johnson., it could have been a lot worse
dump her ass
What makes her a liar 39? Maybe the topic has never come up before. Maybe she doesn't like the idea of marriage and it freaks her the **** out. Sure, it's all speculation, but no more than your assumption that the only answer possibly able to be provided was "Yes"
Johnson is somehow so much funnier!
"and ends up all over the Internet the next day."
39- theres a lot of women out there that don't want to get married for all you know they may have not been dating long or even she hates the idea of getting married. My husband had to wait almost years to get a yes from me. Everyone is different.
I fail... Lol 8 YEARS! Almost 8 years
97 - The lack of thumbs on your comment shows just how many people are missing out on your hilarious joke.
It's funny how it's assumed that it's either she's leading him on or poor communication. Or maybe she's tried to tell him her views on the idea and OP just don't listen very well. The topic has been well discussed with my GF but I know that if I asked right now the answer would be a flat no. And it might makes things awkward for a bit but I'm pretty sure we'd drive forward and discuss it later.
#39 Do you even know what a panic attack is?
Aww I'm sorry to hear about it. Find another girlfriend or try again when she's ready
Why should he find another girlfriend just because she declined?
Because she very clearly doesn't want to marry him. If she doesn't expect the relationship to be a lifelong one, then she's clearly using him for either sex or money. Is it bad for OP to want more than that?
It isn't very clear. She may have wanted to, but just spouted NO out of reflex due to her condition. Or she didn't want to. It's give or take, here.
So I guess we're just factoring out possible bad timing, nervousness on her part, etc? And I'm sorry, but that's beyond ignorant. It's not just you either want to get married or you're a gold digger. I never want to get married and I'm certainly not using my boyfriend. Love how we all assume they're in a completely happy relationship and at a good stable age for marriage.
52, you act as if you know for a fact that OP just sprung it on her. Is it not possible that she may have been hinting towards marriage, but when it came around she was too nervous to say yes? Or maybe she was exaggerating her feelings a bit, and OP was led to believe that she would say yes? I highly doubt that he would just randomly propose without a thought as to what the answer might be.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayNo epic, you got charged because you stripped her nude first! Why do I have to keep telling you this?
While I am highly confused as to why you would believe him to be at risk for facing rape charges, I am distracted by the deliciousness of your pic.
Ur a ****** idiot..
True American sucks so much xD
3 was obviously making a joke about how easy it is to get charged with rape in America. They didn't literally mean he'd get charged with rape. Get the stick out of your ass, then you'll see it was a joke
You're* Raping* Raping or rapping, Snoop Dogg would approve of neither. Now go to the shame corner.
have a panic attack and scream you were joking !
Why do people always give up? Isn't it worth fighting for?
So sorry, OP. the good news is that she panicked. Try again, maybe she'll say yes.
I reckon always talk about proposing before actually doing it. Then you know you're on the same page and there's no nasty surprises for either of you.
5 - I agree. It sounds like OP's girl was anxious and didn't expect it. I'd have a panic attack too if someone proposed to me out of nowhere, even if it was a man I loved.
Did you meet her the night before?
Clearly you are not the one for her. Just move on. :)
Yeah. Thats a shitty suggestion. Clearly if OP proposed, then he's not going to "just move on. :)" Why don't they, I don't know, TALK ABOUT IT?
That's true. That wasn't a well-thought comment at all. I apologize.
The suggestion of marriage gave her a panic attack. I don't think OP and his girlfriend can talk this out.
I don't see why they can't. When you propose, you're asking someone to walk on the unpredictable road of the future with you. That doesn't at least make you a little uneasy? Plus, there are so many different factors that can contribute to this reaction. Stress, financial problems, etc. etc. Bottom line, talking it out is still perfectly reasonable.
7 just because she said no doesn't mean she doesn't like OP. Maybe she doesn't feel like she is ready , because marriage is a big responsibility. OP just give it more time and before you propose next time talk to her give her some hints.
54 -- But they can't cross the streams. Bad things happen. |the kid|
28 you might get thumbed down less if you grew up a little more before posting your opinion on adult matters several times saying the same damn thing. We get it. You still have your princess wedding hormones and real life hasn't clubbed you upside the head yet. It's okay. We'll be here to read your FML when it does.
She souo imature for marraige, or even a relationship. It really sucks though. :( FYL
iMature - Apple's new product specifically designed to help people like the gentleman with the booger wall
*ahem* "She sounds immature for marriage, or even a relationship. It really sucks though. :( **** your life."

Hopefully this was not a large sporting event or one of those big public proposals where it ends up allover the Internet the next day and you drink yourself into a coma.
have a panic attack and scream you were joking !