By jcdc - 20/05/2012 15:03 - United States - Georgetown
Same thing different taste
By klutz - 25/08/2010 04:14 - Canada
By anonymous - 12/03/2012 08:03 - United States
By foolmetwice - 16/05/2011 14:28
By _dopey_ - 17/05/2009 17:34 - United Kingdom
By person - 26/12/2010 17:59 - Jordan
By Username - 09/05/2011 17:23 - China
By burnt - 13/08/2012 04:43 - Australia - Middle Swan
By angelamegan21 - 28/05/2014 20:33 - United States - Port Saint Lucie
By Anonymous - 21/01/2012 14:22 - United States
By firecrotch - 04/06/2010 05:36 - United States
Top comments
Your coworker sounds like a dick.
I don't think some coworker would be an asshole about a serious burn. He probably thought it actually worked. Or just wanted the place to smell like hotdogs.
probably is haha
Well I would have just gone straight to the hospital. Personally I wouldn't risk worsening it any further with something I haven't tried before.
That's cos you's a pussy! *high five*
*turns high five into a fist* *punches mike's face*
Yeah he's a troll
62 - If anyone's the troll here, it's me. No Homestuck fans here? Pity. I'll just go back to my hive then...
That wasn't thread-jacking. Thread-jacking would be making a comment that should have been a separate thread entirely. That was just a combination of a shitty comment and poor judgment, and the fact that I'm off my meds today. I thumbed myself down for it.
Dick of the week...?
Actually mustard does work only on minor burns or a bee sting. But not hot boiling water I ur thighs that won't work. If its a 1 degree burn with LiL 2 nd degree yes. Not for a hug burn like that. That's too much burned area and it s not as tough as the skin on ur arms. That inner thigh is softer skin. I'm a nurse/ emt.
When in doubt, Google. Or be a nurse/emt.
Duh it didnt work. You forgot to add the mayonnaise.
Not to mention the ketchup! Duh!
Relish anyone???
Bun down. Pickles. Ketchup. Tomato. No no no! Mr. Krabs I can't do it.
U saying they have crabs?
Spongebob makes krabby patties not hot dogs.
#54 actually there was an ep where they made hot dogs out of leftover krabby patties. Mr. Krabs took the krabby patties off the menu cause the hot dogs were selling better and Spongebob lost his shit. Lol
52 no idiot it's a Spongebob referenc
54- what about "the krusty crab pizza is the pizza for you and me" !
93- whenever I comment people always say that I guess that explains a lot about fml commenters.
Whoevers the owner of the light sedan, u left ur lights on.
Is this FML? No, this is Patrick.
Ouch, I'd assume mustard should just burn more with it's high acidity level. Hope you're doing better, OP
Fishing for compliments much?
18 - I don't understand your comment at all. I stated what I assumed would be the case then have my best wishes to the OP. How does that seem like "fishing for compliments"?
Mustard actually does help with burns, at least it works with me. It hurts at the beginning but it heals it.
63 shut up ur just upset about the other thread
4# I don't think mustard is very acidic.
86 - I have chronic heartburn and acid reflux. Oh yes, mustard is very acidic indeed.
missmae93- It actually isn't "very acidic". It is slightly acidic (pH =6.5) if i remember correctly which isn't that low when compared to coke (the drink).
Vinegar works great on sunburn so I don't see why this wouldn't work. I just don't screw around with certain burns though. Home remedies can be great, but boiling water would send me to the er.
It depends on what you mean by "very acidic" I mean, it's not acidic enough to burn healthy skin, but it is acidic enough to aggravate a stomach acid problem or to hurt when applied to an open wound (e.g., eating mustard with a cold sore hurts).
124 - That's basically what I'm saying. I'd assume a burn via boiling water would be close to breaking skin, causing the skin to become very sensitive. I just figured something with a decently high level of acidity (by my standards apparently) would irritate the newly burned skin.
Umm, I've never heard of that. What I've been told is that you should run the burn under cøld water for at least 10 minutes, then wrap sømething, like non-stick film, around the burn to protect it from infection.
I've always used toothpaste whenever I get burned. It relieves the pain extremely well.
Actually I've been told you run burns under warm sorta cool water. a friend of mine is a nurse and she helped me when I stepped on a hot burning coal.
Aloe Vera?
#14 some people are delicious tho.
That isnt true, you're not supposed to put anything like clingfilm onto the burn because it sticks to the burned flesh and is a b*tch to get off, maybe causing even more damage.
I'm confused, am I right or am I wrong? O.O
87 - Not cold water, cool. Cold water makes it worse. You want the water just under temperate.
I've gotten burned badly before. A staff worker put mustard on my burns and a minute or two later the stings were going away. It works.
It is actually an urban myth that covering a burn is dangerous. You don't have to use clingfilm but it should be covered with something that won't give off lint to prevent infection. Google any major health/doctor website and they'll tell you the same. The NHS website which is the official health and hospital website for the whole of the UK actually recommends the use of clingfilm or a (clean) clear plastic bag.
And really, maybe people could try actually googling things before thumbing comments down? It only takes a few seconds...EVERY WEBSITE says to cover with a dry guaze or non-stick film. You are probably getting confused with the rules 'do not wrap tightly', 'do not bandage', 'do not wrap in clothes that give off fibres' and 'do not use a film that will stick'. NOT THE SAME THING AS NOT COVERING AT ALL.
My friend burned her leg pretty badly with hair remover (she made the mistake of rubbing it in), which is pretty much the equivalent of a bleach burn. Her mom, who's a doctor, applied burn ointment (come ON people, enoug with all this crap about vinegar and mustard, burn ointment is for burns, all it takes a a quick run to the pharmacy for God's sake!) and wrapped the leg in saran wrap, which is commonly used. It worked perfectly for the burn. I know you guys are trying to be innovative with all these crazy suggestions (salt, vinegar, toothpaste, mustard), but really, sometimes it's a good idea to use what's actually MADE for things.
Um I've heard putting cold water also hurts like a bi***. But when my mom spilt hot tea all over her arm they told her to slice a tomatoe and run it(the slimy-ish side) on the burn. It help relieve the pain and adds moisture or something. But I got burned once by a frying pan and my friend cut a piece of her aloe vera plant and rubbed the juicy part on the burn. It was very relieving. On this whole controversy on what to do for burns we should ask docb*stard (with a real a of course)
#14 plastic wrap is common use over poultices as it keeps it from drying out so I can def see where people get this crazy idea. But it's def not something to be used on burns!!
Vinegar is an acid. Acid on a burn will only make it worse. Please go and ask a medical expert if mustard is good for burns and they will call you a ******* idiot. Perhaps the cold bottle will help ease pain but not mustard itself. Check burn products and see that there is no vinegar for a ******* reason you dumbass.
^ he was being sarcastic idiot
*Rolls eyes* Something tells me he wasn't serious about the vinegar, guys.
You don't put anything cold on a burn. Running the area under warm to room temp water does the least damage.
103- Yes, you DO run it under a burn under cold water.
^yes, you DO run a burn under cold water.
^No you do not. You run lukewarm water over a burn. Where's doc to comment on this matter when you need him?
Just ******* google it...
Hot dogs smell so disgusting. They smell like 10 day old dog liver and guts. You are so off on this one.
Now I'm just wondering what condiment would have been too outrageous for OP to believe would work.
Salt helps close it. Try it!
Salt works really well. It just burns like hell first.
Silly Op, it's ketchup, not mustard!

Duh it didnt work. You forgot to add the mayonnaise.
Your coworker sounds like a dick.