By username - 31/07/2011 22:19 - United States

By username - 31/07/2011 22:19 - United States
By unknown - 08/03/2014 00:53 - United States - San Antonio
By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 19:46 - United States - Bronx
By CuteFeeties - 07/08/2022 18:00 - United States - Staten Island
By ocroyalty - 01/02/2010 07:31 - United States
By notsohot - 25/08/2019 00:01
By Anonymous - 08/03/2015 10:33 - United Kingdom - The Hyde
By suzanneallen - 11/09/2009 04:23 - United States
By perfectmoment - 10/10/2009 22:22 - Canada
By lollipopp56 - 26/03/2009 06:09 - Canada
By Anonymous - 30/05/2019 02:00
Why men are more worried about cars then girls I don't know. Doesn't make sense to me.
Cars are replaceable. The girl's attention is not.
The man has a point...
Well if she wasn't so fat that wouldn't be his first thought :o Maybe, I don't mean to sound like an asshole D:
What if said girl does not like diamonds?
Guys are easily replaceable too. I love cars more than tons of girls, but if a guy chose his car over me, I'd have a few choice words. And then I might choose a few things, maybe a vibrator, over him the next time he's horny. Payback is a bitch. Pick your battles boys!
its not that we care more about the car, but how are dents and scratches sexy? be sexy on the bed or inside the car, not on it.
46, and he has a hand
to 26 your point is false, i would rarther have a good car over diamonds anyday..
I can use a car any day of the month, it will take me to hang out with my friends without complaining, it's always down for a ride, and any money I put into it I will get back.
Well. You could have.
you dont sit on someones car regrardless of their sex. its common knowledge, plus it creates dents. and yes im a guy, deal with it.
cars do take hours to set up annnnd while u can just meet a new girl it takes thousands of dollars to buy a new car
The real question is; what was she doing out of the kitchen??
To anyone who thinks anyone is replaceable it is true, but why would you want to replace someone. Today's world is sad, it's all about sex and possessions...if you get a girl or guy who treats you like a queen...keep them! Unless they don't have any personal hygiene them there isn't a reason to be such a bitch/asshole
how in the hell wud tht dent the chasis?? my 1990 jeep got rear ended at 50mph and it Barely tweaked the chasis
than* :)
162 my exact thought, then again.. the op can be, ahem "heavy"
#26, a major difference is that usually a girl receives diamonds from her significant other. Guys tend to buy their own cars.
Stock hood replacement 899.99 that's one expensive piece of ass! It's a sexy thought and give her credit for trying! But new cars use thinner metals to be lighter, thus netter on gas and dent easier. I'd be upset too... But if it was my old beater, id jump on and tell her to enjoy the ride! Guess it comes down to the op's car...
Well it could've been Bumblebee and your boyfriend just saved you from serious shit
females only make sandwiches.
Not all men, okay? I drive a semi nice car, but if my girlfriend was laying on the hood of it in a sexy outfit with the **** me eyes, damage to the car would be the last thing in my mind. Your boyfriend is a twat.
Next time sit on his skateboard or something and watch him really freak out ;)
You have EVLR34 as your avatar...
sex with a hot chick on a hot car... or no sex and you still gotta pay hood damage cause she was already sitting on it... hmm...
i came here just to say that. chassis and body are two VERY different things!
He woulda like it better if you were naked ;)
Well that's stupid. You can't dent a diamond's chassy ;) They don't lose value. They don't break down...
Sitting in the garage by yourself on the hood of a car = naughty?
crymore if u invest thousands of $ and hundreds of hours into making a car nice wouldn't u be pissed of if someone unnessairly damaged it? she could've been sexy on the kitchen table or the bed or the couch why pick something he's spent alot of money on
go restore an old car well and see how u feel if someone sits on the hood
ergo_sum can ur drive a diamond? will it get u to work or to were ever u want to go? a diamond Is pretty a car can be pretty and useful
You guys are wrong. Cars to guys are like shoes to women.
Women and shoes nuff said.
he probably had a fl_shlight in the glovebox lol
I would have found it a sexy move, but I prefer it on bed
And they r a degree
Really? Guess it was just me having fun with the tail pipe... I'm sure the car enjoyed it though...
I'm a girl and I got pissed at the guy I liked for sitting on my hood during a class picnic because it was muddy and he didn't want his pants getting dirty. I paid for my car, its rude to think that other people's property is your bench. I told him to get his ass of the car and then made him pay the $400 dollars for a new paint job. His boots scratched the ******* paint off. So yea, sitting on someone's car would piss me off too, it is common manners. Cause nothing says sexy like ruining property. So yea, Op, YDI. ALso it doesn't matter if she is a special girl or not. It doesn't seem like he broke up with her for it, just yelled at her which makes him human not a bad guy.
Becuse cars are expencive. I doubt he cares more for the car. She could have easily just done that on the couch or even the back seat. I bet if he would have done somthing in the attempt to be sexy and in the process wrecked somthing of hers she would be just as upset.
you can turn are car off
Lol, I take seconds to get ready and you can't rely on people either.
neither are women
A busted up chassis basically destroys the whole car, just sayin. I understand the bf's concern... if it wasn't for the fact that no person can hurt a chassis by sitting on the hood. Unless perhaps you drive an AMC Pacer or Smart fortwo or a Peel... but I'm guessing that's not the case here. Boyfriend's an idiot for not knowing what the chassis is, and OP is annoying for sitting on a car's hood.
you can technicaly have sex witha carv they hav fetishes for that amd you cant rely on a woman eithhrr life isnt a fairytale
why not his xbox or ps3 haha!
Because they are too poor to get another car!
Thank you! Finally someone else who noticed the OP's boyfriend's clear lack of knowledge when it comes to cars!
Cars a lot more usefull tho
same reason women care about clothes
Girls don’t have a $14,000 paint job, but it’s easy to mess one up. And little dents are a massive pain to remove
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayor fat. so fat she could have dented the "chassis". FAIL
with my sex drive...I'm good till new years
237 you got that off of The Big Bang Theory.
does ur boyfriend know what a chassis is?
never mess with a mans car.
Especially the chassis
Especially, one that belongs to a guy that has no idea what a chassis must be, because unless O.P is a whale, there's no way that chassis is going to "dent".
yeh this guy sounds like a duck. ptovle drives a prius anyway. they don't even have chassis
*inserts man grunt after this comment*
why should he not recieve sex for wanting to talk care of his stuff. i wouldnt want to have sex on a glass table, would you?
I know right! If my chick was sitting on my car dressed all nice and ready.......well who cares about the chassis.
Haha nice
Try explaining that dent and how much it costs to fix it
I like to think it would be caved in, not just a dent.
Exactly OP. So get your nasty ass off the car. You're going to dent the unbreakable chassis!
how could you do that? you could have dented it. you are so inconsiderate. -waits for idiot to comment thinking I'm serious-
Lol( I actually read full comment before commenting myself) you can actually dent a car like that, too bad a chasis is at the back for cars since 1997.
100- is going all nerd on us.
100- you ever think of the car being older than that?
the chassis is the base fram for it. everything is built on this to form the car. Im pretty sure cars before 97 were alot sturdier with chassis. they are safer because the bodies arent made with shit .0000002 gauge metal and dont crunch up like aluminum foil. safety over mpg, although ud prolly end up destroying the other car
and your vital organs, cars crumple to absorb the impact rather than just stop and kill you or hurt you a lot at minimum
The chassis is underneath the car
yeah seriously, what?
Rofl guys I was joking =] I luv seeing peoples reactions to my retarded comments :D
No, you're obviously just a retard 100. Don't try pass it off as sarcasm. You're just an idiot. OP's boyfriend fails at life.
#205, have you never seen the prius go head first into the 69 mustang? the mustang is no longer with us and the prius lived another day....
What were you thinking?! You could have dented it! Are you crazy?
She must be! What kind of person in this world would do something like that?!?
Feeling naughty is no excuse for sitting on a man's car.
that's when you take a hammer and smash his chassis and say "hows about those chassis bitch?"
haha that's why I put it :D
you wouldn't know too cuz ur a redneck…
thank you 137 for pointing that out. I'm a girl and I know what a chassis is. how OPs bf thought she could dent it is beyond me.
and really I could take a hammer to the bumper and then when the bumper falls off I could hit the chassis
obvs he doesn't know what a chassis is at all.
....its very hard to dent a chassis... considering its the platform that the car sits on and the only way to see it is to get under the car, not enough room to do any dammage with a hammer, now she could have dented the hood, but youd need to high center your car on a HUGE boulder or smash into a brick wall going about 50 to dent the chassis,
the chassis is under the car so either the fml is fake or her boyfriend is a idiot.
girl was all like =0
Why men are more worried about cars then girls I don't know. Doesn't make sense to me.
never mess with a mans car.