By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 14:25 - United States

By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 14:25 - United States
By happybudiess - 14/10/2011 04:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2018 05:00
By impure - 29/09/2014 16:48 - United States
By whytho - 19/11/2019 03:00
By Duchess - 20/01/2017 12:00
By Anonymous - 12/02/2011 18:40 - United States
By Lolly - 12/09/2018 23:30
By Unlucky - 19/12/2018 02:00 - United Kingdom - Bagworth
By Rrae - 25/02/2019 02:00
By Justkillme - 15/11/2018 03:00
Sorry mate.
YDI for getting a STD. Those things can be prevented SO EASILY.
79 went into too much detail... In summary ... Sucks to be her
nothing like the smell of blue waffle in the morning..
189 - Would that not make it STBAD? This is why dumbasses themselves should not make up acronyms.
Apparently in the land of FML there is no such thing as a victim of an STI. Nevermind the various ways these can be transmitted, and because its preventable if you are extremely diligent you must...therefore...deserve it? I don't quite follow the logic, since you could say that about almost anything, but whatever, I should stop expecting logical arguments on this site...
thank you 216!!!
technically its a girl, they get the sane symptoms as uti's. you dont know how they got it so dont assume they sleep with everyone.
1st Who the **** are you talking to? 2nd Where the **** is he gender distinguished?
3rd, sane symptoms? Guys get crazy symptoms? WTF?
Good point, jackassiddy
*Same symptoms, Sherlock.
Why thank you Watson. No shit by the way.
I guess this person thinks she is pregnant because he put " it's a girl" that's my best guess to try to make this make any sense.
There is a chance that they didn't know. Or it could have been a drunken fling or many different things. But all of that is irrelevant. People need to stop making shit up and making assumptions! It's ridiculous! I mean, c'mon!! Find something ******* smart to say instead of the stories you make up and your ridiculous assumptions!!
132 - It's time to call the Redundancy Department of Redundancy.
Juuussst would like to point out that OP is probably a girl. Women get UTIs VERY easily because of how our lovely bodies are made. Men aren't really susceptible to them, although they can get them.
Brian how are you? And if I remember correctly you came Into my pharmacy looking for pills for your STDs.
thats definitely not boner-rific.
What's a uti?
Urinary Tract Infection.
Unicorn tail instinct
Utterly torturous Inuit
Unable to investigate.
UTI: unanimous t isolation
Sorry... I didn't mean to hit send... FML
You know...there are these wonderful things called condoms. They are really simple to use and are very effective at preventing STD's.
I seriously hope this person knows you can get an STD from oral sex as well..
'Cuz you're a moron.
Cynical.. read 19's comment and try again. Condoms help but they don't guarantee shit..'re the moron 21! they not teach sex ed where you and 6 are from?. Look...STD's are transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids. Condoms, when used properly, are very effective at preventing the exchange of bodily fluids and therefore the transmission of STD's. They aren't 100%, but then nothing is, and it's a hell of a lot better than unprotected sex. So why don't you guys STFU about things you apparently know nothing about!
*********** should just "be avoided" eh? Where do you get your information? Ever heard of a dental dam? Also, herpes and HPV can be spread easily even WITH proper use of condoms, since transmission is through contact, not exchange of fluids. Condoms help, but aren't perfect. Most people in OP's position get STI's from dishonest partners who cheat.'re the moron 27! Condoms aren't 100%, hence, you can still get STDs.
What the **** is wrong with you idiots? Cynical clearly said "very effective", not 100% effective. And you're attacking her and thumbing her down WHY exactly? All of you shut your dumb ******* mouths and learn to READ. Jesus Howard Christ!
I thumbed down because it's actually very easy to get an STD and I didn't like the judgmental tone of the post.
Doc - she was kind of saying the OP should have used a condom, when we don't know if the OP did or not because, like people said, condoms aren't 100% and some STDs are skin-to-skin contact.
It is NOT very easy to get an STD if you're smart about it. Everyone here is busy making assumptions about how OP contracted the STD rather than realising that Cynical's original comment is 100% correct. Without further information, continued arguing is futile. Let's just all move along and start harassing someone who actually made a stupid comment. They aren't hard to find.
i always wondered what the h stood for in his name. thanks doc
Right 59?? lol
clearly it says STD not STI so your argument is shut down.
Doc, are you an attending at your hospital? If so, can I apply there?
MedKits - yes I am. We could always use some more good PAs. :) Come on by and drop off an application.
What a troll... -_-
Why would that be a joke? That's what they do and a lot more people should use them, especially to avoid situations like these.
It's a win-lose I guess
A similar feeling to shoplifting I guess ^_^ You get some good free loot and then you are stuck with that awful feeling after. But I've never stole anything or had unsafe sex ;D
Who said it was a decent **** ?
Sorry to hear that Hope they can treat it
Unborn tarantula infestation.
At least you don't have UTI RIGHT?