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By anonymous4991 - 04/05/2012 00:39 - United States - Denver

Today, I was petting my cat and I jokingly said out loud, "Oh, the pussy likes it rough? You like that, don't you?" My windows were open and I could hear the neighbors laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 511
You deserved it 33 861

anonymous4991 tells us more.

From the poster: I fully expected to a lot of "you deserved it" I just thought it was too funny not to share with the world. Yes, I was talking about petting an actual feline. No, I do not talk to myself while masturbating or have regular conversations with the cat. My neighbor's porch is a couple feet from my window and I can hear all of their conversations too. I am dating someone and have gotten laid recently. I think it is hilarious they put it in the "intimacy" section.

Top comments

jerseyboy732 16

why were your neighbors so close to your window that they could here you?


MetalxSoldier 26

Neighbors "I can help you with that (;"

Cat a man have a litter privacy around here?

i know! they cat possibly be serious. I hope the neighbors have forgotten about this by meow.

Oops, my bad. Scratch that, I meant woman.

1-This was seriously a catastrophe for OP.

33- I know you're capable of saying something better than that

linkinpark98 23

Yeah, you've cat to be kitten me right meow! :3

You've gotta be kitten me right meow,

Up until the ones about pokemon the jokes were purrr-fect

noto_fml 0

Place and time Bruh. Right place, awful time. You just did it wrong

GoingToBeAPilot1 6

No number 2. I wish I could thumb you down twice.

theevilduchess 12

I tried :(. Fail on my part but a true testament to how not good this comment is.

Judging by your name you're going to be forever alone

ireallylikepasta 12
Airman1988 9

I don't care that's still just weird seriously.

It's "weird" to talk to your cat in that way, perhaps. It's a sign of insanity when the cat talks back.

You don't care about what? Nobody asked to you to give a ****, and they don't give a **** that you don't give a ****.

jerseyboy732 16

why were your neighbors so close to your window that they could here you?

There was no real reason in correcting him other than being a bit of a snob. I'm sure he just momentarily got here/hear mixed up as you did in your Bio.

nancyschmancy 9

Like their/they're in your profile? Damn, don't you hate when you correct someone's spelling and have a mistake of your own that everyone can jump on?

CaramelMacchiato 13

I know right, 7! It's like his neighbor was just casually standing by the window.

DobiesJS2012 9

Or..maybe OP lives in an apartment?

I live in the country and can run around in my yard naked if I wanted and no one would see me. It would drive me nuts to have neighbors so close. But it is a very funny fml. One of the funniest for some time.

KiddNYC1O 20

Hear hear pussy cat! I mean HERE!!

OhDearBetrayal 25

103- Is this your way of telling us that your suicide of choice is to be murdered by Grammar Nazis?

outch_fml 0

Here in New York, you can hear everybody's troubles, screaming, laughing, crying, sometimes a gun goes off here and there. But hey, the city that never sleeps right?

itskimHOLLA 0

I no ur gonna hate me for this but *hear GRAMMAR NAZI

SakeGurl 9
Michael_92 20

Next Albert Einstein right here guys!

I didn't know that they let 7 year-olds on FML

TheBonzaiGirl 0

Thank you captain obvious with your sword and cape of duh!

RedPillSucks 31

Haha, on the bright side, you made someone laugh today! :) Least you're an exciting person.;)

God u must hav been talking pretty loud if the neighbours heard

15, WTH are you using a "judge Judy" profile pic for....that's just as nasty as eating a chocolate covered cockroach, both of which make me want to puke.

kickuwithmyfist 1