By anonymous4991 - 04/05/2012 00:39 - United States - Denver

By anonymous4991 - 04/05/2012 00:39 - United States - Denver
From the poster: I fully expected to a lot of "you deserved it" I just thought it was too funny not to share with the world. Yes, I was talking about petting an actual feline. No, I do not talk to myself while masturbating or have regular conversations with the cat. My neighbor's porch is a couple feet from my window and I can hear all of their conversations too. I am dating someone and have gotten laid recently. I think it is hilarious they put it in the "intimacy" section.
You gotta be kitten me...
Cat a man have a litter privacy around here?
20, sure, except OP is a girl
i know! they cat possibly be serious. I hope the neighbors have forgotten about this by meow.
Oops, my bad. Scratch that, I meant woman.
1-This was seriously a catastrophe for OP.
33- I know you're capable of saying something better than that
Lolololol so true
You've gotta be kitten me right meow,
I was a little late, oops.
Dang I was going to say that
I see what mew did there
Up until the ones about pokemon the jokes were purrr-fect
Right meow.
Forever alone!
Judging by your name you're going to be forever alone
It's "weird" to talk to your cat in that way, perhaps. It's a sign of insanity when the cat talks back.
You don't care about what? Nobody asked to you to give a ****, and they don't give a **** that you don't give a ****.
At least they like jokes.
There was no real reason in correcting him other than being a bit of a snob. I'm sure he just momentarily got here/hear mixed up as you did in your Bio.
I live in the country and can run around in my yard naked if I wanted and no one would see me. It would drive me nuts to have neighbors so close. But it is a very funny fml. One of the funniest for some time.
It's even more funny considering that you're a girl.
"lololol lesbians"
Cat. Pussy. LOL
You're a genius.
I didn't know that they let 7 year-olds on FML
Haha, on the bright side, you made someone laugh today! :) Least you're an exciting person.;)
God u must hav been talking pretty loud if the neighbours heard
15, WTH are you using a "judge Judy" profile pic for....that's just as nasty as eating a chocolate covered cockroach, both of which make me want to puke.
I love JJ she rocks
You gotta be kitten me...
why were your neighbors so close to your window that they could here you?