
By fiftyshardsofbroccoli - 26/10/2012 17:58 - United States

Today, my grandma took it upon herself to give me the sex talk. After explaining the mechanics in excessive detail, she said I shouldn't be afraid to sleep around. Apparently, I need to be comfortable with the man who'll be "conning me into blowing him for the next 50 years." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 440
You deserved it 3 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The day when your grandmother tells you to be a ****...

If mothers know best, then grandmothers must really know everything best.


The day when your grandmother tells you to be a ****...

Zoh_Aubrey 8

I'd ask her if she fooled around with anyone famous back in the day.

#14 would you really want to know that about your granny?

#20: Wouldn't you like bragging rights to possibly being the unknown, yet loved grandson of Elvis?

#27 that's a damn good never thought of it like that.

Anyone else thinking this is what lies in the future for Snooki's grandchildren?

If mothers know best, then grandmothers must really know everything best.

i wonder if OP can give me her grandmas phone number..

78 have you not seen the movie Yes Man? Lol

Sounds like grandma knows her sausage! To think, if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be here...

Btw the sounds of it, grandma didn't exactly make it hard for OP not to exist. Ah, the hippy era...

Imagine your grandpa "conning" her into blowing him. You're welcome.

That's just awful. You have just damaged OP with that thought for the rest of her life.

And anyone else who read that comment :(

What did I tell you Hun... If you eat the last cookie, you gotta suck the sausage. Sorry, it's early here!

To be fair, your grandmas love life has been getting around quite a bit. Kiss me, Ketut.

Haha we all knew the sexual tension between Rhonda and Katut lol. The latest ad tells all!!

makowiec 11

Such a charming granny you have there.

Grandpa: hurry quick I'm having a heartache need you to give me a ******** to live.... Grandma: Oh no ok .........

Sleeping around isn't your only choice by the way.

Damn that sucks. Actually hearing your grandmother use the word blowing is never, ever a good thing.