I'm so hot and lonely
By lonely dreams - 01/01/2013 17:26 - United States - Reno

By lonely dreams - 01/01/2013 17:26 - United States - Reno
By DrySpellcaster - 07/10/2020 16:57
By damnit - 16/10/2009 17:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/05/2023 22:00
By inbogota - 06/03/2021 15:30 - Colombia
By Anonymous - 30/06/2020 02:02
By Anonymous - 21/05/2023 03:00 - United States - Corvallis
By Anonymous - 17/02/2013 19:19 - Botswana - Francistown
By Anonymous - 23/09/2022 04:00
By margelover - 11/10/2011 19:06 - Denmark
By Anonymous - 31/07/2013 16:28 - Belgium - Ieper
Forever alone.
Not true! He can still have sex with dream people! Shit scratch that.
Don't forget the dream condom
forever available
Study lucid dreaming, its perty cool
What's worse is when you're married and haven't been intimate in so long you dream of just getting a boner...
I'm sorry you deserve it. Go out and meet people! There's plenty of places to do that. If that fails, hire a hooker.
Hiring a hooker really shouldn't be suggested even as a second option, that could be very dangerous
Yes. Go get a hooker. Contract AIDs, chlamydia. It's so worth it! He totally deserves this, because failing to meet people just to **** is just worthy of complete and utter shame. I agree wholeheartedly with this comment.
It must be hard to understand a single man if you are a girl that men approach every week.
Naw he's just needs to stay home and jack off, its the best way to find someone!
2, you aren't the brightest crayon in the box.
12: The dude is seriously lonely and you think that because of this he should be punished by contracting veneral disease. For a woman you're quite heartless, aren't you? think you're the one who should be ashamed. Since nobody have told you before, education time. Some men have VERY strong sexual drive. It means that at the age of 18..30 they might want to do it up to 4..6 times per day, every day (and have enough stamina for that too). With the people with JUST the right personality(introverted, not really social, shy, conscious about his looks, etc), that's a big problem. That's not necessarily "animal desire to screw anything that moves", the dude might want consensual sex with pretty partner that likes him and possibly can provide emotional support. So it is both physiological and psychological. That's not that different from desire to hug somebody or simply "to spoon". If you're a man, You can't deal with that. You can't get rid of that. If you won't deal with it somehow, you'll become utterly miserable, up to being depressed and suicidal or going teary upon seeing kissing couple. Maybe you'll snap and kill yourself. Masturbation won't help either. Now, in order to properly deal with situation, society requires you to spend enormous amount of time finding a date, establishing relationship, and possibly marrying. While successfully completing might grant you lifetime partner (with a large chance of divorse, emotional trauma), the whole ordeal takes a lot of time, and doesn't help you with the problem you have right now. You're lonely NOW, you feel bad NOW, but there's nobody to help you. NOt to mention that with just the right combination of personality traits (interovert/shy), finding yourself a girlfriend or a "sex friend" might take years. So OF COURSE, if your local law allows sex services and your moral values don't forbid using them, it'll be a better idea to use sex service if you can't take it anymore. At least this way you won't go insane tomorrow, and maybe will be able to pull your mind together and start finding yourself a proper partner.
45 - Jeez Louise! Wow, a bit of an overreaction over here, I'm pretty sure that 12 was being sarcastic. If you can't see that, you really don't need to be on the internet, go take a class in having a sense of humor! I also think that the whole "For a woman you sure can be quite heartless." comment was rather unnecessary and came across as quite a bit sexist.
49, in text communication sarcasm *cannot* be properly detected by MOST people due to complete lack of body language, voice and facial cues. Most means that in roughly 70% cases your text may be misunderstood. To avoid confusion, use "<sarcasm></sarcasm>" or something similar.
Despite being obnoxiously long, especially on my phone, I found your...essay... very well-thought out and informative. Kudos!
100% correct right here
Heard the same story plenty of times on here already
Well your hand will never let you down or cheat on you. It will always be by your side.
unless he has a horrible accident, and it gets cut off...
Unless of course he cheats with his other hand..
I dunno, ICastillo, I once woke up to see my right hand doing innapropriate things to my cushion, and ever since, I've had my eye on that sneaky bastard. Copping a feel while I ain't looking? Not on my watch! Oh wait. I thought I knew him like the back of my left hand... But it just feels like he's giving me the finger.
Uh oh Pleonasm you better watch out with that hand. It might take a life of its own like in Idle Hands and try and strangle you...
He already choked my chicken, now he's going after my neck?! I gotta hand it to the little guy, he's got me under his thumb now.
A lot better than fantasizing about your ex or whatnot.
No. dreaming about your x gfs is much, much better. Just because you couldn't get along with them doesn't mean they were not hot or the sex wasn't awsome.
I have nightmares (and PTSD) because of my ex, but then again most people's exes aren't sexually abusive, sadistic, violent creeps. Though I know for sure I'm not alone. If I had an erotic dream about him I would probably wake up vomiting. =/ Thankfully I have a therapy dog who senses when I have nightmares and wakes me up, a good therapist, and a very wonderful, caring partner now.
He likes himself so damn much he fantasizes over himself jacking off.
Forever alone.
Well your hand will never let you down or cheat on you. It will always be by your side.