By Broke Mama - 24/12/2011 14:38 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 01:15 - United States
By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada
By princess - 07/12/2015 14:12 - United States - San Francisco
By vishuzzbabe77 - 22/08/2011 06:04 - United States
By halloweenless - 01/11/2010 13:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:05 - United States
Oh nose!
By Thatsjustmee - 07/07/2021 04:01 - Canada
By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 19:20 - United States
By apparentnerd - 31/10/2009 17:32 - United States
By IHateBeingAStudent - 12/02/2012 09:43
Top comments
That was not a smart mooooove.
Haha I see what you did there
Least she would be on stage :)
#1, I see whatcha did there. Haha that sucks. At least you're being a good mommy. I'd say make that her Christmas present though. You spent a lot of money on her just for her to say "moo."
Same thing happened to this little girl I knew, she was in the Nutcracker ballet & had to practice for about a month, & ended up getting to run across the stage twice.
I guess you could say that she spent too much moolah!
At least she didn't spend $90 on a moisturizer(:
At least your not a cow
Hey man, you got something against cows?
You're a good mom :)
Your daughter's vest will be much better looking than the other ones!
Im getting socks for christmas :D
No she's not, she's moooaning at the fact that her she is spending money on her daughter to be in a play. Way to go MOM.
Eh lifes a bitch. have fun watching the cow.
mooobye she will be a cow for halloween(:
That joke was an udder fail. But don't worry, it cud have been worse.
54- wow... She's dressing up as a cow for a play. Maybe she'll reuse the costume for Halloween? I don't know.. It was a dumb comment anyway
Make her say meow. :3 it'll be very surprising.
What's DIY???
83, I have two words for you: Google it.
You could've just told me! How about you gooogle it for me :PP or maybe you don't know ither :)
Don't have a cow! It's for your daughters play, in the end it's her for own enjoyment. So sit back and have a class of milk.
What the hell kind of school is this? If my kids went to a school as cheap as that after all the fund raisers for the school that went to the school then I would transfer them. Unless all the money went towards school supplies then I would understand why they didn't have enough for costumes.
Please shut up. Not every school is ******* rich and like you said, it could have been spent on SCHOOL SUPPLIES instead of cow costumes. Not every costume is paid for, as it can be donated or made by families. If YOU are not willing to spend money on costumes, like the mother of the FML, the school isn't being "cheap", YOU are. Get your ignorant ass out of here.
^ Relax. In regards to the actual comment (and not the flip out response) I disagree. Fundraisers go towered buying stuff like new pays Ed equipment or new educational tools like textbooks, smartboards©, etc, not costumes for a skit. it was probably voluntary to act in it, they can't force you to do it, so really it's OPs fault not the schools.
Yes, they can force a kid into participating in a school play. My elementary school did it all the time. They can't force you to buy the costume but they can make it compulsory to be in the show. Our school always asked for donations in case a kids family couldn't pay for a costume but that didn't mean that we didn't still have a few kids just in dress pants and a clean shirt. No one wanted to be in a donated costume any more than they wanted to be in no costume.
Hey 73 how about you take your happy pill and get your ignorant ass out. If I had to pay 100$ to see my kid say moo 5 times rather than spending it on my family with economies nowadays I wouldn't buy the damn cow costume because when I went to school we had fundraisers for the school every like 3 weeks and afforded everything and this didn't happen at only 1 school it happened at all of the schools I went to.So before you call me ignorant and flip out reconsider things.
they can't make you do anything actually, your not obligated to do it. they can urge you to do it, but especially something like a school play, you can't fail for not doing it. so if you can tell me what implications there would be if you said "no I'm not doing this" what can they do? nothing. maybe they send you to the principal, but there is absolutely nothing they can make you do (don't take that completely literal, cause I some "people" would).
Haha wow, at least you can say your money is well spent in this economy all for five "moos" on stage. Oh wait, no you can't. You just spent an extra $80. Sucks for you, but at least your daughter will be happy.
Agreed.... With the non buried comment... Lol
that's an udder mess...

That was not a smart mooooove.
You're a good mom :)